After telling the folktale, their teacher looked at all the students. "The next is selection process. And kids don't worry!! Everyone in the drama is important. And every kid would have a dialogue on the drama.... Okay?!"
She paused. "So I would give some dialogues. You kids have to study the dialogue and act it. Who acts better would have the main role of king and Ping. It's the selection process..."
The kids all nodded. I would act best and grab the lead role!! Everyone decided... And thus the competition for the lead role begun...
After sometime, all the students performed.
"So, we are going to.give our your characters...." Their teacher began.
The kids looked at her enthusiastically....
"For the king, height is one of the important factor. He should look tall than all the others. So we have selected one person who has height and acted better with their dialogue as a king... " She called a student's name. The kid stood up happily. And others clapped.
"Next is the character of Ping. For that.... I have selected Zan Guiying!!"
"Wow!!" Zan Guiying stood up happily. I became Ping!! I am a main character!! She beamed.
All the kids selected for other roles. Zi Chenguang became one of the soldier who does the proclamation of the contest.
"So from tomorrow onwards, we will begin our practice. And before that, all the kids should inform your parents about our drama and your role in it. You should also get permission from them. Okay?!"
Their teacher took some notes. "It's our drama. Everyone would have one copy of it. And you should go home and practice your dialogues with the help of your parents. And make them sign in the notice I give to you!! Okay?!"
"Okay teacher!!"
"And next... I would call all the name. You should say your role!! Did you hear?!"
"Yes teacher!!"
The rest of the day the kid began to chat exitedly among themselves about the upcoming anniversary celebrations and what they would be doing.
Evening. Zan villa.
"Daddy!! Mommy!! Grandpa!! I have an announcement to make!! So come and sit in the sofa!!" She put her hands on her hips and ordered.
The elders laughed and complied with her order. "What is it little Yingying?!" Grandpa Zan asked.
"Grandpa! Daddy! Mommy!! I have been selected as one of lead role in the upcoming drama for our kindergarten anniversary!!" She told happily.
"Is it?! Wow!! Yingying!! Congratulations!!" Bo Ehuang stood up and hugged her daughter.
She also got hugs from her grandpa and father too.
"So what is your role and story for the drama?" Zan Tengfei asked.
Zan Guiying explained the story and her role in it.
"Mm... It's a good story!! It's also good that she got a lead role in it!" Grandpa Zan noted.
"So daddy!! You should sign it!!" Zan Guiying opened her bag and gave him a letter.
"Oh!! It's the permission letter!!" He reas it and signed.
"And also!! You should help me to practice too!!" Zan Guiying continued.
"We would certainly help you Yingying!! But before that you should eat your evening snacks!!" Bo Ehuang stood up and took Zan Guiying to the kitchen.
"Mmhhmm.... Now I feel hungry.... It's became mommy reminded me of snacks!! So mommy what is today's snacks?" Zan Guiying asked.
"You would find it when you reach there!!" Bo Ehuang nudged.
"Apologies Your Majesty!! I couldn't make the plants grow!! I am ineligible for this competition!!" Zan Guiying was was reciting her dialogues.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! Kid!! Come here!!" Grandpa Zan who was acting as the king recited his his dialogue too.
Like that their first practice came to an end.
All the servants including her parents, who were also acting as other characters clapped.
"Yingying!! You recited your lines!!" Bo Ehuang exclaimed.
"Yes!! Young miss!! You act good!!" The servants also told her. Our young miss is so cute.
"But.... I looked in the book!!" Zan Guiying said.
"It's only your first time acting Yingying!! You have a whole month to practice!!" Zan Tengfei patted the kid's head.
"Yes!! I would practice more!!" Zan Guiying also agreed.
"Don't you want to inform your big brother Jun?!" Bo Ehuang asked her suddenly.
"Yes!! I should inform this to big brother Jun!! Daddy could you call him?! Zan Guiying asked her father.
"Yes I would!! But not now!!"
"Why daddy?!
"It's night. Everyone would be sleeping there!! So it's bad to disturb them. Understand?!"
"Mmm... Yes Yingying!! You can call him tomorrow!! Your father is right!!" Bo Ehuang backed up.
But daddy! Big brother Jun doesn't sleep during this time. "Okay daddy! I would call him tomorrow!!" She also agreed with him. Then tomorrow it is!!
Next Day De mansion.
De Longjun was arranging his home work books in order. 'Ring!' 'Ring!' his phone suddenly rang.
"Who is it?!" He took the phone. Oh!! It was from Zan villa. Why are they calling me?
"Hello big brother Jun!! It's me Yingying!!"
He could hear her voice more loudly than usual. He chuckled.
"What is it Yingying?!" He asked.
"Big brother Jun!! I have got one of the major leads for our kindergarten anniversary drama!!" She said exitedly.
"Is it?! Congratulations Yingying!! Would you invite all of us to watch it?!"
"Yes! I would invite all of you when I come for sleepover!"
"Oh! Then let me remind you something.... Yingying!! Don't forget your steps... Okay??" He teased.
"BIG BROTHER JUN!!" He could hear Zan screaming his name through the phone.
He laughed. "See you Yingying!!" And hung up.
"Aaahh!! Big brother Jun!! You bully!!" Zan Guiying was screaming.
Bo Ehuang was laughing because she heard whatever talked between Zan Guiying and De Longjun. Kids!!
"Mommy!! Why are you laughing? Did you hear what he told me?!" Zan Guiying pouted.
Oh my!! "Yes Yingying!! Mommy heard it too!!" Bo Ehuang controlled her laughter. "So we are going to show De Longjun that our Yingying is smart!! So you would do best in your drama!! Okay Yingying!!"
"Yes mommy!! I would!! I would show it to you too... Big brother Jun!! And I am going to make you apologise for saying that to me!! Just wait and watch...