Nanny or Madam?

"Could you stop it?!" Bo Ehuang began to get angry.

"Why are you getting angry Bo Ehuang? They were telling the truth!!" Xue Wangshu said. "It's not your kid!! You don't have to love her that much!! Did you marry to become her nanny?! You are the madam of the Zan household! Not a nanny of that girl!! When you get time, try to grab some of the properties in your name!! And also if you have a boy, your son can become the heir of Zan constructions!!"

Bo Ehuang looked at them. Perplexed... "Look here Xue Wangshu!! I am Zan Guiying's mother. Even if I haven't given birth to her!! Also you don't have to say anything about properties and heir. That's our family matter!! Outsiders don't need to intervine in it!!! And one more thing!! I married Zan Tengfei to become Yingying's mother!! Not to be the madam of Zan household and I don't care about their property and shares!! Understand?!" She fumed.

Suddenly someone called her. "Bo Ehuang..... Can we go?!"

Everyone looked.... It was Zan Tengfei....

"Mommy!! Can we go?!" Zan Guiying was with him too.

Did they hear anything? It was in the minds of all the girls present. Including Bo Ehuang.

Zan Tengfei smiled. "Sorry Bo Ehuang!! I was late!! But we could do shopping now!! And ladies.... Excuse us!!" He grabbed her hands again and nudged.

Bo Ehuang sighed. "Okay!!" She smiled at them. Didn't he hear it?

"Then goodbye ladies!!" I don't want to see you again!! Bo Ehuang smiled.

All the three nodded and left.

Xue Wangshu and her friends looked at them... Abashed...

Zan Tengfei looked sideways, at his wife....


After he told his wife and kids to wait for him in the mall, he got into an unexpected meeting the the new construction project manager. After the meeting went smoothly, he got into his car and drove to the mall.

When he reached there, he called his wife. But the phone was not reachable. So he decided to walk through the mall and find them.

Atlast, in the opposite side of the mall, he saw Bo Ehuang speaking with some else. Oh it was her relative. I saw her at the wedding. He looked at them and saw his wife is looking somewhere else. He followed her gaze too... She was looking at the stomach of that women.... She is.... Pregnant.... It was then something hit his head. He understood that even sometimes Bo Ehuang also think having her own kids... Ha.... I knowingly ignored it...

Then they began to walk in a group towards a maternity wear section. He also followed them. He saw his wife looking at all the kids and mother's products interestingly.... It increased his guilt....

Suddenly his daughter ran around somewhere and he saw the group discussing among themselves. What were they saying? He moved near to them undetected...

The women are talking about heirs and property.... They were talking about her being a nanny of Zan Guiying... They were encouraging her to have a child that she could live her life luxuriously..... What are they saying?? How could they even instigate her like this?!?! Zan Tengfei also began to get angry. He wanted to walk in front of them and rebute to the words they were saying. But he stopped. I want to hear what she would answer.....

What he heard was sheer love of Bo Ehuang to Zan Guiying.... I married Zan Tengfei to become Yingying's mother!! Not to be the madam of Zan household!! It was her core answer.... Zan Tengfei looked at his proudly. He was happy that she never intended harm towards Zan Guiying. Even if they had another child, she won't ignore Yingying. Another child.... He looked around the shop...

"Daddy....!!" Then his daughter's voice interrupted his thoughts.

'shhh!!' he shushed her. "Can we go and meet mommy?!" He asked.

Zan Guiying nodded.

He took her in his arms... And walked towards the group and grabbed Bo Ehuang's hand... She looked at him. "Zan Tengfei?!"

"Bo Ehuang..... Can we go?!" He asked....


Zan Guiying was running around looking at all the items in the shop. Wow!! I will tell daddy and mommy!! They would definitely buy them for me!! She thought happily.

Almost all the customers in that shop had big bellies varied in size. Zan Guiying had also seen pregnant women before, like the aunty she saw with her mother's relative. From far, she saw one girl is taking one doll and asking her mother who was pregnant.

"Which one one would the baby like? This one or this one?!" She showed the two dolls to the pregnant belly.

The mother touched her belly and said. "The baby says that the baby liked the red one!!"



Zan Guiying also thought this scenario with her and Bo Ehuang. She liked it. I also want to talk like that!! She decided.

"Excuse me aunty! Is it really fun to have a younger sibling?" She asked that mother and child.

"It is!! I wait for the baby so I can play everyday with the baby!!" The excited kid blabbered.

Then I should also ask mommy to give me a baby too... I also want to play like her!! Zan Guiying decided. Near to her she saw a cute baby cooing. She is so cute!! Our baby would be cute too!!

She ran back to find her mother. It was when she saw her father.

"Daddy....!!" She ran and hugged him. I will ask when we reach home!!


After the initial commotion, the rest of the date went smoothly. They bought so many items for the whole family including grandpa Zan. Zan Guiying bought chocolates for all the servants. They also ate lunch and dinner outside. When they reached Zan villa, it's been already night.

"Go and get changed Yingying!!" Zan Tengfei instructed his daughter.

"Daddy!! Can I take the phone?! I want to call big brother Jun!!" She asked.

"Okay!! You can take it. Bring it back when you come to sleep...!" He gave her the phone.

Zan Guiying took the phone and ran to the room. And dialed De Longjun's number.

After ringing for sometime, De Longjun took the call.

"Big brother Jun!! I want to have a baby!!"

At the end of the receiver, De Longjun spat the water he has been drinking.... "WHAT?!"