
Before I do anything, I should call big brother Jun!! He would give me some idea's to ask mommy.... He helped me in many things.... He would help me in this too.... Sitting in the car, Zan Guiying decided.

When she reached home, like she decided she asked permission from her father to take his phone.

"Daddy!! Can I take the phone?! I want to call big brother Jun!!" She asked.

"Okay!! You can take it. Bring it back when you come to sleep...!" He gave her the phone.

Zan Guiying took the phone and ran to the room. She told nanny she wants to discuss some things with De Longjun and told her to not disturb and dialed De Longjun's number.

After ringing for sometime, De Longjun took the call.

"Big brother Jun!! I want to have a baby!!"

At the end of the receiver, De Longjun spat the water he has been drinking.... "WHAT?!"


De Longjun as usual, was reading. That Feng Delun!! It was game night!! Today he wanted to research!! Anyway.... I should complete this!!

'Ring!' suddenly his phone rang. De Longjun looked. "Oh!! It is from Zan villa!!" He took a glass of water and began to drink it. He took the call. Why are they calling me now? Is it Yingying?


"Big brother Jun!! I want to have a baby!!"

"WHAT!!" De Longjun spat the drink. What the hell is she saying?

He calmed his heart. "Yingying!! Do you know what you are saying now?!"

"Yes!! Big brother Jun!! I know what I am saying!! I want to have a baby!!" Zan Guiying repeated what she was saying.

Something happened. "Tell me Yingying!! What happened today?!" He asked.

"I went for a family date!! In a mall!!"


"There were went to a pregnant mothers section. There were so many things for babies..... They were so cute.... And there I saw small small babies in hands of mothers.... They were so cute!! So I asked them were to get these babies!! And the aunty told to ask my mommy!!"

Oh!! That's what happened!!

"Big brother Jun... Can I ask you something?!" Zan Guiying asked softly.

"Yes!! Ask!!"

"How did you feel about having brothers and sisters?!"

De Longjun couldn't see her drawing circles. "For me.... Having them is one of my happiest periods!!" Only for some of them!! He decided not to speak about that.

"You too!! The girl from the mall also told me like that!! So I have decided to have a baby!! So..... Could you help me to ask them? Like a surprise..... Or some like that.... Please!!"

"Okay!! I will help!!" But most of the work should be done by your parents!! "First.... Sleep in your own room.... And second.... Start it from today!! And do it like I say.... Go to your father's room and declare you are going to sleep alone and tell them you want a sibling!!"

"But why should I sleep without them? I am afraid to sleep alone!! What is it me sleeping without them had to have anything with babies?!" Zan Guiying got confused.

"It's said that father and mother should sleep holding hands for a baby. At night, a crane visit them and give them babies!! They will only arrive when there were only father and mother in a room. That's why you have to sleep alone!!" Wait Yingying!! I would explain it when you get older. For now.... Be satisfied with this myth!!



"If it's for the baby, I will do it!!" She decided.

"Then all the best Yingying!!"

"Thank you big brother Jun!! Will call you later!!"

The call got hung up. De Longjun chuckled....

Zan Guiying's nanny opened the door. "Did you talk young miss?!" She asked.

"Yes!! Then I want to visit daddy and mommy!!"

"You have to change your cloths!!"

"I will do it later nanny.....!!" Without hearing her nanny's nagging, Zan Guiying ran outside of her room...


"Bo Ehuang....!! Thank You!!" In their room, Zan Tengfei thanked her.

"Why what happened?!"

"Actually.... Actually I heard what you were talking..."

Bo Ehuang stopped what she was doing and looked at him. "Did you hear everything?!"

"Yes.... Everything!!"

"I am so sorry Zan Tengfei!! You heard all of the things said by that people..... I know she is my family.... But..... I am ashamed... I am sorry..." Sej apologized.

"Hey!! Don't be!! I don't blame you!!" Zan Tengfei lifted her chin and made her look at him.... There were tears in her eyes.... "Hey!! Don't be sad!! Don't cry Bo Ehuang!!" He slowly pulled her towards him and hugged her.

"Thank you!! I really am sorry.... I am....!!" Trying to contain her sobs, Bo Ehuang answered.

"I heard what you said to them.... I know you love Yingying.... But, I want to ask you something."

"What?" She looked at him.

"I know we haven't been a proper couple yet.... Did it make you sad? Did it make you angry?! I am so sorry for asking it now.... I know.... I also have to blame myself.... I ignored your feelings and your needs...!!"

Bo Ehuang sighed. "Sometimes.... Yes.... But I am not angry at you.... I am happy now too... Because you are with me.... Emotionally... I feel happy with your kissing!"

"Do you.... Do you think of having kid?!"

"Sometimes.... Yes!! I want a baby that look like us.... Zan Tengfei.... But I am not greedy for it... We have our Yingying with us... I am happy with her... Even if we don't have another kid...."

But.... You want to have a baby.... I also feel too.... To have a sibling for Yingying....

'Knock! Knock!'

Their talk were cut short by a knock.

"Yingying!! Come inside!! Why didn't you change clothes?!" Zan Tengfei looked at his daughter.

"Daddy!! Mommy!! I have to tell something!!"

"What Yingying!! Both of them came infront of her and asked.

"I have decided to sleep alone!! Starting from tonight!!" Zan Guiying declared.

"What!! What happened Yingying?! You are afraid to sleep alone!!" Bo Ehuang interjected her.

"Mommy! Daddy!!" She grabbed their hands. "I am growing.... So I need to sleep alone to grow up!!"

"Oh!! Then.... You should grow Yingying..... As you wish!!" Zan Tengfei patted his kid's head. "Our Yingying is grown...."

"Yingying!! If you couldn't sleep alone... Come with us!! Okay?!" Bo Ehuang kissed her child.

"Okay mommy!! I will!!" Zan Guiying nodded. And gave back the phone to her father. "I also have another important thing to talk!!"

They looked at her.

"I want a sibling!! A baby!!"

"WHAT!!" They looked visibly shocked.

"Yes!! I want a sibling to play with!! Everyone I know have a brother or sister!! So I asked big brother Jun.... He told me to sleep alone!!"

De Longjun!! What were the other things you said to my daughter? It was in the minds of both adults.

"Did he... Did he say anything more?!" Bo Ehuang asked anxiously.



"He told me to have a baby daddy and mommy should hold hands and sleep alone!! He also said a crane would arrive with a baby, but it dislike any other people in the room!!"

"Haaa!!" The parents visibly relaxed. You protected our child's innocence!! De Longjun!! Thank you!!

"Then goodnight mommy and daddy!!" She kissed both of them. They kissed her back. "Don't forget about the baby!!" She ran to her room.

The adults smiled and closed the door. They looked each other. A baby....

'Khm!!' "I should take a bath!!" Zan Tengfei turned and left...

Bo Ehuang blushed...


When Bo Ehuang came back from the bathroom, Zan Tengfei was looking outside the window.

"What happened?!" She asked.

"Its.... I was thinking about us..." He slowly walked towards her...

"What!! Why?!"

Bo Ehuang... We haven't had a full marital relation yet..." He touched her cheeks....

Bo Ehuang gulped... Is it going to happen today?

"So.... Could we start it today?!"

He leaned towards her... Bo Ehuang felt his voice become more seductive....

Yes.... I want it too...

"If you don't want it, you could say...."

His lips were inches far from her....

Bo Ehuang looked at her husband.... And slowly met his lips.....