"What is it?!" He asked and opened the box.
"We both made it Zan Tengfei!!" She smiled.
"Oh my! Oh my god!! Bo Ehuang!! Is this!! Is this?!" Zan Tengfei looked inside the box and exclaimed...
There was a pregnancy stick inside it, showing two lines...
"I am pregnant Zan Tengfei!! We are going to have a baby!!" She hugged him again...
"Thank you Bo Ehuang!! I am so happy!!" Zan Tengfei pulled her deep into his chest and hugged her.... Tightly...
"Now! Come and sit!!" After the happy moment, Zan Tengfei instructed his wife.
Like he said, she sat in the bed.
"When did you find out?! Is it today?!" He asked.
"Yes!! It's today!! But the symptoms has been there for sometime. I had an increased appetite and sleepiness. But now, I am vomiting almost all the things I have eaten." She answered.
"Okay!! Then tomorrow we should go to the hospital!! I will now!!" He took his phone.
"What about Yingying and father! Shouldn't we tell them? Yingying wanted to have a sibling badly!!" She asked.
"We can tell father tomorrow. After the checkup. But not to Yingying."
"You know for the first three months we should be careful.... So....!!"
"You don't want to give hope for her...!"
"Not only for her, but father too. But we can't hide this from him. He already knows about the crane."
"Yeah!! The crane!!" She chuckled.
He also. "Why can't we show it to Yingying? We can take her with us for the second check up!!"
"Wow!! It's a great idea. She will be happy. And like you said, it would be better to tell this news to my parents after our first appointment." She also decided. "But what about symptoms? Today, she saw me vomiting. She got anxious because of that!!"
"Ohh!! It's a problem too!! Maximum try not to show it infront of her."
"Mm... I will try my best. And also if the household helpers become known about it, they will help us too!!"
"Okay then!! Let me book an appointment. And you should take rest!!" He instructed his wife.
She smiled.
Zan Tengfei and Bo Ehuang stood infront of the gynaecology department. They didn't manage to get an appointment the very next day but the day after that. Zan Tengfei took a leave from work and they reached in the hospital. And waited.
"Bo Ehuang!! It's our token number!!" Zan Tengfei poked her.
"All right!!" They both opened the doctor's cubicle.
"Good morning!!" They both greeted.
"Bo Ehuang and Zan Tengfei!! It's your first appointment."
"Yes!" Zan Tengfei gave a document. "It's the test results."
"Thank you!!" The doctor read their test results.
"Congratulations!! You are pregnant!!" The doctor smiled. "Come and lie down in that bed! We are going to do the sonography. If the husband wants, he could come too!!"
"Thank you doctor!!"
Bo Ehuang lied down in the bed. The nurse who was doing the sonography came, along with the doctor. Then she applied a gel in Bo Ehuang's abdomen and used a probe to rub above it. Inside the computer screen near them, they could see a small plum sized fetus in the centre.
"Do you see the at the centre?! It's the fetus!!" The doctor explained.
"It's so small...!!" Bo Ehuang muttered. It's the baby.
Zan Tengfei chuckled.
"The fetus is one and half months old. During this time the face and the finger nails get formed."
"It's moving!!" Bo Ehuang exclaimed.
"Yes it's showing breathing like moments." The doctor continued.
"Then are you going to do regular checkup in this hospital. Yes?!"
"Yes doctor!"
"We have some tests left. I will give you the list. The fourth number room is the testing room!!"
"Yes doctor!"
"And Mrs Bo Ehuang. You should be careful in the first trimester. Please don't drink or smoke. And don't do heavy works. Rest and include nutritious food in your menu. I will give you the brochure of it. And also it will be better if you don't have sexual intercourse during this period. Okay?!"
The husband and wife nodded for everything the doctor told.
"Haa!! I didn't know these checks would be time consuming!!" Close their car's door, Bo Ehuang said.
"Mm yes!! It's tiring. We should come again tomorrow too. We would get the test results tomorrow." Zan Tengfei nodded. "Do you want to eat anything?!" He asked her.
"Yes!! I want to steamed buns!!" She answered.
"Okay!! Then steamed bun it is!!" He turned the wheels.
Bo Ehuang opened the cover in her hands and looked at the sonography picture in her hands. My baby!! Please be happy!! She hugged it...
"Oh!! Congratulations!! My son!! Daughter!!" Elder Zan laughed happily.
"Thank you father!!"
Elder Zan was looking at the sonography picture. "How many months?!"
"It's been one and half month father." Bo Ehuang answered.
"Be careful and eat some nutritious soup. I will inform in the kitchen. Okay?!"
"Okay father!"
"When are you telling Yingying?! She will be happy if she hears the news!!"
"We are not going to tell her untill next sonography."
"Why?!" Elder Zan turned serious.
"We want to do it as a surprise for her!! So we are going to show it on next sonography appointment." Zan Tengfei answered.
"Mmm... And I have one more important thing to tell you."
"What father?!"
"I know it's your first pregnancy Bo Ehuang. And I know you love little Yingying. But let me remind you!! Don't let her feel left out. She would feel sad. Untill now, she was only the kid in this house. And we treated her like that too. Like a princess. Even though she likes having the idea of a sibling, if you give too much care for this baby, she could feel jealous for this unborn child. She could think all the love and attention given to her stolen by this unborn child."
"Understood father. We would be careful. We won't let her feel like that!!" Bo Ehuang answered.
"Mm... Okay!! We will talk about other things later." Elder Zan dismissed them.
This family is expanding. Don't put my expectations in drain children... Future is uncertain. I hope you will love her even in the future... Elder Zan closed his eyes....