Pregnancy Test Kit

"So, how was your first night sleeping alone?!" De Longjun asked.

"I couldn't fall asleep faster. I was afraid for sometime. Thankfully, nanny had switched on the bedside lamp. So when I opened my eyes, it wasn't fearful. And like that, I slept for a long time!!" Zan Guiying answered.

They were in De mansion, for the weekly sleepover.

Zan Guiying sprawled over the bed and looked at the ceiling. "I wish the baby comes faster..."

"They will come faster but you have to sleep alone. Are you ready for that?!"

"Mm... My grandpa said so!!"

"So you are going to continue to sleep alone!!"

"Yes!! I am!!"

"Okay!! Then take your book and do your homework!!" He pulled her from the bed.

"Mhm....!!" Zan Guiying stood up reluctantly and took her books....


"Ha!! What should I make today?!" Bo Ehuang looked at her notebook. It contains the weekly menu of all the family members. Especially of Zan Guiying. Not the food, but the nutrients in the food helps a kids brain and body development.

"Previous day there were no mushroom and bitter gourd items in her menu. I should include these items today!!" Ha!! I wanted some grapes... Thinking about grapes made her water in the mouth. I should go to the kitchen and ask them. She decided.


"Madam!! Good afternoon!!" The shef greeted her.

"Don't mind me!! I just came here for looking for some grapes!!" She waved her hands.

The kitchen staff nodded and got back to their work. The shef opend the braised fish pot.

'retch!' Bo Ehuang had a sudden urge to vomit. She cupped her mouth and ran outside. And took a deep breath of fresh air. She rubbed her chest. "Why did I felt like vomiting?!" She decided to go into her room and lied down.

"Ha!!" She jumped back again. Maybe.... Maybe it's what I am thinking!! She touched her abdomen. Is there?! Am I?

She opened the almirah and took a box out. Inside it was some pregnancy test kits. It was given by Zan Tengfei on the next evening they made love.

"Zan Tengfei what is this?!"

"It's pregnancy test kit. I have bought totally ten of them."

She blushed. "What!! Why?! You know we can't find out within one day!!"

"I know. It can be used upto two years. I bought these because I don't want you to get disappointed. If our family saw you buying these, they will start dreaming. It the result was negative, all of us, including you and me could get disappointed. If you want, you can test it secretly without being known by others. When the results are positive, you can tell me!! Okay?!"


"And you know I won't be here with you all the time, I would be in a meeting or a buisness trip. Even if I can't participate in the first happy moment, I want to be there with you... Atleast as a help... And also I won't look in that box or count or ask you about it. I will consider it as your privacy."

Bo Ehuang smiled. My husband is so caring.

Like he said, he hadn't asked about the test kit after giving it to her. And Bo Ehuang also hadn't opened it since that day.

Today is the day!! Her intuition said so. She took some with her and opened bathroom door.


"Wow!! I am.... I am pregnant!!" Bo Ehuang looked at the stick and sobbed.... Almost all the sticks she took into the bathroom showed two lines...

"I am going to be mother!!" She sobbed and wiped her tears. Her hands touched her belly and slowly rubbed it. "Welcome to the world baby!!" She whispered. I wish the baby was healthy.

Bo Ehuang had read that during the first trimester, pregnant women should be careful. There is also a problem of genetic diseases. Sometimes the child could be still born or differently abled. She doesn't want this kinds of things to happen. She shook her head. I should think of some happy thoughts.... I should tell it to Zan Tengfei!! He would be definitely happy!! She looked bedside and took their wedding photo. "I am waiting for you to tell this happy news Zan Tengfei!!" She chuckled and closed her eyes happily.


When Zan Guiying reached her home from kindergarten, unlike everyday she didn't see her mother.

"Uncle Wun, where is mommy?!" She asked.

"Madam is in her room young miss. She is sleeping!!" Butler Wun answered.

"Oh!! Okay!!" With her nanny, she reached her room and changed her cloths. She then knocked her mother's room. It was not locked. So she opened it.

Inside, she didn't see anyone. Uncle Wun said mommy is sleeping! Butnshe is not here!! Then she heard some noise from the bathroom. She ran towards it...

'retch!' She saw her mother vomiting.

"Mommy!! What happened?!" She grabbed Bo Ehuang's cloths anxiously.

"Oh!! Yingying!! You arrived?!" Bo Ehuang gurgled some water and looked at the anxious child. "Nothing happened Yingying! Mommy is fine." She smiled. I shouldn't tell this news untill we visit a gynaecologist.

"But I saw you vomiting!!"

"It's nothing Yingying!!" She gently stroked her head. "My stomach couldn't digest today's dish!!" She lied. "But it's not a problem now!! I am alright!!" She continued.

"Oh!! Then mommy should rest. I have to eat snacks!!" Zan Guiying said.

"Yes yes!! You should go and eat your snacks!!" She slowly pushed Zan Guiying out of the room.

"Bye mommy!!" Zan Guiying closed the door.

Bo Ehuang waved her hands...


"Butler Wun said you have an upset stomach! Are you alright now?!" Zan Tengfei asked.

He came back from office and got informed that his wife is sick.

He removed his coat and put it in the hanger.

Bo Ehuang hugged him.

"Zan Tengfei... Can I tell give you something?!" She asked.

"What?! Is it a gift?!" He turned and hugged her.

"Yes!! It's a gift!" She pushed him gently and gave him a small box.

"What is it?!" He asked and opened it.

"We both made it Zan Tengfei!!" She smiled.

"Oh my! Oh my god!! Bo Ehuang!! Is this!! Is this?!" Zan Tengfei looked inside the box and exclaimed...

There was a pregnancy stick inside it, showing two lines...

"I am pregnant Zan Tengfei!! We are going to have a baby!!" She hugged him again...

"Thank you Bo Ehuang!! I am so happy!!" Zan Tengfei pulled her deep into his chest and hugged her.... Tightly...