Chapter 173: Hide A Tree In A Forest

They stopped at an exquisite lodge—one that was obviously paid for by Lilith.

If Damon had his way, he would've taken the money and found an inn favored by adventurers.

Or, if he wanted to take his frugality even further, he would've just slept in the same run-down house he once shared with his sister.

But alas—Lilith was paying.

And as a high noble, she would never sleep in such a place.

More than that—she had no intention of parting ways with him.

So, naturally, she got him a suite.

Too honest for his own good, Damon couldn't help but point out how much money was being wasted.

In fact, he would've preferred they shared a suite, considering the size of the damn thing.

But Lilith had shut that idea down before he could even finish his sentence.

He had to remind her that he'd already seen her bare back before.

That earned him a chilling smile.

Still, he wasn't complaining.

It was her dime.