"Now, who's staring?" Sunny asked, and I pushed my almost empty tray of food far from me before falling back onto the bed, covering my face with the blanket; I heard Sunny say proudly. "Females will be females."

"I wasn't staring at your body. I was just wondering why you'd come out like that." I snapped, and Miguel laughed.

"It didn't look like that to me." He said.

"You're on Sunny's side?" I drawled out.

"What did you expect?" Sunny asked, and I heard the blow-dryer start whirring. I stayed there for minutes more, listening to the sounds of Miguel and Sunny talking, and finding ways to laugh, even though we had a pretty hopeless situation ahead of us when the morning came.

I closed my burning eyes for just a few seconds, but when I opened them again, everywhere was bright, and I had my nose stuck somewhere warm.