She was mom.

Images of her filled my head. The times I'd seen her laugh like the whole world was hers. The times she'd cautioned me, and gotten mad. Times she'd looked so down, yet tried to smile.

Times I'd watched her from curtains crying her heart out. The loving gazes she'd given father.

Dad… his face formed in my head.

His calm blue eyes like the sea.

Love— My dad had loved me.

My breathing quickened.

"Are you okay?" Miguel asked, worried.

"Leave her." Sunny said softly, as I moved closer to walk in between the flowers.

I had been a spoiled little girl, still everyone had nothing but love to give me. I could see myself on dad's shoulder, as we went through the garden.

His pride— that was what I'd been. He'd fought for me, and introduced me to every important vampire coming from a far land.

He'd given me the best he had to offer, and had sat me on his lap countless times, singing for me.