I'd always guessed that something really wrong happened with Sunny, and that was why he'd suddenly changed into someone different.

When he returned to us to stay with us, he'd become a different person from the young boy, who was more like a girl.

Sure, there were still traces of that feminine side within him, but he was trying to cover all his pain up with his never-ending smile.

Seeing him today, watching Ariana recall her memories, I'd seen the pain in his eyes, like he too was remembering something he also didn't want to recall.

Then, there was the need to comfort Ariana as I watched her cry. She looked so weak, so lost, and I wished I were inside her head to see what she was seeing, and block her from seeing it. I didn't want her to cry.

The three of us had come so far that I even felt the responsibility of protecting her, and keeping a radiant smile on her face at all times.