We seemed to have sailed right into the chilly fog, as the boat was covered in it too, leaving only a few clear spots on the deck. I got to my feet, with parted lips, and disbelieving eyes, as she stood delicately on the deck.

Was it really mom?

My real mom?

Her beauty radiated like a shining light, beckoning on to everyone who beheld her. Her twinkling purple eyes met mine, and her white skin seemed invincible against the severe cold. Sue held her fingers delicately in front of her, and stretched a smile.

Her scent was like that of many flowers, mixing with the scent of the fog surrounding the boat, as it floated to me.

She looked too beautiful to be real. How could this be a dream? A dream meant to satisfy, and yet torment me.

"Mom. Is that you?" My voice barely came out in a whisper, as I took my first step towards her.

"Estel," She called in a voice as smooth as honey.