The throbbing and aching feeling sank deep into my bones, and my hands came off with blood, pouring down my fingers.

I watched it in horror, feeling sharp pangs with each movement I made.

The fox advanced on me, and I winced harshly as I managed to unsheathe the knife Sunny gave to me.

Blood was pouring freely down my legs, and each movement threatened to tear me to pieces.

However, the blade glinted in the sunlight, and bounced right off the metal, hitting my eye.

"Ah," I staggered backwards, and fell, as my eyes hurt from the reflection.

The fox got closer, and the world seemed to split into two, as a screech sounded in my ears, like a siren was wailing somewhere in my head. That light in my eyes had triggered a kind of insane reaction within me. Coupled with the stings from my wounds, I wanted to just scream till the pain left.