Chapter 54 - Taming the Escape Block

Ren began moving among the sleeping groups with growing confidence. 

His eyes had adapted to the gloom, allowing him to distinguish subtle variations in the darkness that others might miss.

Time was of the essence, he risked having the male block the exit sooner than expected if he dawdled. 

Each second had to be used efficiently.

He worked methodically, moving from group to group. Every skin was carefully rolled, light but voluminous, requiring careful optimization of his bag space. 

'Fifty... seventy-five...'

The skins piled up in his bag, occupying considerable space despite their negligible weight. Ten kilos of material didn't sound like much, but the volume was becoming a challenge. Each new addition required careful repositioning of the others.

'Ninety-one, ninety-two...'

The mushrooms pulsed with renewed urgency. The male would return soon, and if it found him here, surrounded by its sleeping females...