Chapter 73 - Taming Value

"I have about 30,000 crystals total according to the numbers in Liu's book... if I wanted to sell everything and got the best price," he murmured while reviewing his calculations.

"And that's without counting what the school will duplicate from the official report... maybe an extra 25,000 with luck. Plus what I can mine in the remaining days of the month..."

It was a good amount, more than he had expected to get from this expedition. His careful planning had paid off. But for his plans...

"Still need a bit more if I wanna start now," he sighed while beginning to carefully store everything away. "But maybe I could start with..."

A shout of laughter came from the garden. His companions played carefree under the afternoon sun, enjoying their well-earned rest.

"Free time..." he murmured with a mixture of envy and resignation. "Someday I'll have free time... when all this bears fruit."