Chapter 84 - Taming the Depths

"Except," her eyes narrowed as her crane fully manifested, "Wei is out of town today."

"Where are you really, little trickster?"


Lin headed toward the main entrance.

Had Ren really gone to town with no formal permission?

Lin observed the figure in the assistant's uniform near the main entrance. The mushrooms in his hair glowed under the dawn light, though something seemed... different.

'Got you little cheat,' she thought while silently approaching. 'You can't leave without real permission, and Wei isn't here to sign it so you are trapped in the end...'

The figure moved strangely, as if practicing what to say.

"Good morning, sir guard, I'm here to make a delivery," he muttered to himself. "No, too formal. Uh, hi! I need to go out to... no, too casual."

Lin smiled. It was almost adorable watching him so nervous… Not quite like…

"Trouble with the script?" she asked softly, right behind him.