The impact was brutal.
The goat connected with all its strength, driving Harold toward the densest shadow zone. . For an instant, his perfect balance shattered.
"NOW!" Luna shouted while her wolf emerged from the shadows, its fangs finding purchase on Harold's leg, holding him in position for one crucial fraction of a second.
The Firefly's ray, charged to maximum power and amplified by dozens of reflections in the crystal barriers, struck Harold directly. The light energy blazed with extra blinding intensity as it impacted Harold's shadow-shrouded form, creating a reaction that not even his chitinous armor could fully resist.
A crack echoed through the chamber as the carapace finally broke, revealing the vulnerable flesh beneath.
Harold roared, the first sound of intense pain he hadn't been able to contain, the first he'd emitted since the battle began. The sound reverberated off the ancient walls, primal and filled with fury.