Chapter 179 - Taming Nobility - 3

When Ren opened the room's door, the first thing he saw was Min standing on his hands, Taro flexing his arms in a strange pose, and Liu trying to imitate what appeared to be a battle stance... all shirtless.

The three froze upon seeing Lin and Selphira.

"AAAAHH!" the collective scream resonated through the hallway.

Ren closed the door immediately, his face a mask of perfect expressionlessness. His mushrooms, however, pulsed fast with what could only be secondhand embarrassment.

Behind him, Selphira hid a smile behind her hand while Lin blinked in confusion.

"Should we...?" Lin began to ask.

"Let's give them a moment," Ren responded, his voice completely flat.

From inside the room came sounds of frantic movement, several falls, and what suspiciously sounded like Min shouting "My shirt! Where's my shirt?"

After what felt like an eternity but was probably only thirty seconds, Ren opened the door again.