Chapter 188 - Taming Procedures

Ren traced the final runes on Zhao's camouflage raptor core while his other projects rested in different stages of development. 

Lin's panther lizard glowed with a reddish tone, Liu's banshee hyena emitted green pulses, and Min's invisible amphibian... well, it was already starting to occasionally disappear.

Only one complete egg remained unclaimed.

"Come on," Ren looked at Taro, who was observing the egg of what would be a bronze rank Deep Assassin as if it might bite him. "It's not as bad as you think."

"Not bad?" Min laughed. "Wait until his mouth elongates like a giant straw."

"Assassins are known for their proboscises," Liu added with a mischievous smile. "Imagine drinking tea like that."

Liu made an exaggerated gesture, pretending to sip with an imaginarily long mouth, causing Min to burst into laughter.