An unaware, injured man

"Well my Lord, while you were away Lady Fiona spent most of her time in her study. A few visitors came by for her, including a messenger from the royal family, but no one knows what was exchanged." Cass nodded. "Lord Ridgewood remained mostly to himself, visiting the library and the training area as he normally does. Draken…had his spar with me, and then took off into the forest. He only arrived back into civilization the day you awoke." That also made sense, and matched with what Draken had told him himself. 

"So he picked a fight with you as soon as I was unable to argue with him about it?" Cass asked and Sir Forsythe laughed weakly, but Cass knew that was the case. He grumbled. "That damn man." Byron snorted, slamming his hand over his mouth while Sam remained beside him.