"You like another?" Draken asked, turning his attention and question fully to Byron. Byron cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with the question. Cass knew that he was on a timeline. If Sam came back before he answered?
Well, Byron didn't know that Sam had overheard him. Now probably wasn't the right time to find out that Sam had heard him confess to Cass the truth.
"I-I do." Byron murmured. "Lord Blackburn has also made it clear that he has no intention of using us in that way." Draken's gaze darted back to Cass, his gaze narrowing.
"Why did you have to clarify that?" Draken demanded, and Cass snorted.
"I was basically asking Byron to serve me, and given my reputation Draken, wouldn't you also think that when someone like me asks you to serve them, your mind might wander?" Cass joked, but Draken didn't seem to find it funny. He looked between Byron and Cass, his gaze hard, before he sighed, crossing his arms and plumping up his chest.