The great war in heaven p.t 2

"Welcome, ladies and gentle angels, this is Angel's Corner, broadcasting live to you from Heaven. This is your one and only Cherub Gabriel, and yep, we've returned. We know you've got tons of questions, but before we answer, we've got a really important guest today on our show *sounds a little bit frightened*. I present to you the leader of the Lord's armies, the one and only, Archangel Michael.

So... Archangel Michael, what brings such a busy man like you to our show?"

"As you saw with your very own eyes, Cherub Gabriel, Lucifer, the Morning Star, wants the throne of the Lord God Almighty for himself. His wishful thinking has led him to believe he's better than the Lord God Almighty. I'm here to warn him in the name of the Holy One since I know he's definitely watching.

Cherub Lucifer, if you dare try to take the Lord God's throne for yourself, you'll reap the consequences. Everything you own shall be taken away from you—your beauty, your talent, your position, and everything in between. Repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness, or you shall reap what you sow. You have hardened your heart, oh Morning Star, blindly avoiding the truth. These are the words of the Lord God Almighty.

Fellow angels, prepare for war. Get your armors on, for Heaven is to be stained with blood on this fateful day, but be rest assured that victory is guaranteed because the Holy One, the Lord God Almighty Himself, is on our side," *says in a reassuring authoritative tone*.

"Well, as you heard folks, prepare for war against the fools who think they can rule over the heavens. I guess we'll not be able to tell the news these coming days, but be rest assured that we'll shoot behind the scenes," *says in a reassuring tone*. "This is Angel's Corner, and we'll be back when the war has ended or maybe during the war if we get to shoot behind the scenes. Praise the Lord."

*After some time, Archangel Michael ordered the trumpet of war to be blown. Lucifer, the Morning Star, and one third of the angels approached Heaven's gate. They met with the Lord's army led by Archangel Michael.*

"Archangel Michael, or should I say brother, I come today not as your enemy but as a brother to all. I'm here to enlighten you and the others to help free ourselves from the tyrant you call Lord. Join me, Michael, and you will not regret it. Trust me!"

"Cherub Lucifer, which part of 'we are the Lord's creation and so we have to obey His word' don't you understand? You are powerful, alright, Morning Star, but you better than anyone should know when you are exceeding your boundaries. Repent and the Lord God shall spare you, or else you shall reap the consequences with the others behind you. A word to the wise is enough. Praise the Lord! Charge!"

*So the battle began. Heads were falling around the east and west, the north and south of Heaven. As they charged onto one another, the Lord God sat on His throne and watched. Lucifer's army had the upper hand in the beginning of the battle. They were cruel, ruthless, cutting any wing, head, or body part they got their hands on.

As the war continued, Heaven began to turn into a bloody ocean with dead creatures floating in it (the angels' body parts). Cherub Lucifer and Archangel Michael were in a heated battle for hours, overpowering each other nonstop. Archangel Michael felt drained, left with no energy, so he called unto God.*

"Lord God Almighty, I call unto You for help to banish the disobedient, the one who questioned Your authority, away from Heaven. I'm sorry for failing You, Lord Almighty, but the war hasn't ended yet. We're still standing. We've made sure none of them enter Heaven's gate."

*So God heeded Michael's prayer and strengthened him, allowing him to overpower Lucifer once and for all.*

"Oh Morning Star Lucifer, you are hereby not welcome here in Heaven. Leave and take the rest of your subordinates with you. Anyone who tries this again will also reap what he sows, and this is a warning. You are henceforth cast out to the lowest of grounds, to the fiery pit where you and your subordinates will remain for eternity.

Hear the words of the Lord God."

'You were anointed as a guardian cherub,

for so I ordained you.

You were on the holy mount of God;

you walked among the fiery stones.

You were blameless in your ways

from the day you were created

till wickedness was found in you.

Through your widespread trade

you were filled with violence,

and you sinned.

So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,

and I expelled you, guardian cherub,

from among the fiery stones.

Your heart became proud

on account of your beauty,

and you corrupted your wisdom

because of your splendor.

So I threw you to the earth;

I made a spectacle of you before kings.'

"Now leave in disgrace, Lucifer, and take your subordinates with you. You shall now be called Satan and your subordinates demons, for you are adversaries of the Lord God Almighty and Heaven."

*So Lucifer left with his subordinates and took his refuge on Earth. He then uttered these words:*

"Earth shall be my new domain, and everything in it, including God's precious humans. I will make them fall from the grace of the Lord God, and we'll be even. Lord, I'll make sure to destroy Your whole creation, you just wait."