The fall pt.1

"Welcome, ladies and gentle angels, to Angel's Corner broadcasting live from Heaven. This is Gabriel, your one and only leader of the cherubim, bringing you news. As you can see, the war just ended with the banishment of the deceptive one, Morning Star Lucifer—or should I say, Satan. He and his subordinates have been subdued by the Lord's army.

As you can see, folks, Heaven has been stained with the blood of our brothers. Their bodies lay lifeless on Heaven's golden ground, and its waters have turned to blood. Our fellow warriors are taking a rest while others take care of our brothers' lifeless bodies and souls.

We are trying to see if we can get a word from one of the warriors or maybe Archangel Michael himself. There he is! Archangel Michael, I know this isn't the time for questions, but the people just want to know what you and the 'fallen one' spoke about?"

"You need not worry, Cherub Gabriel. Morning Star has reaped what he sowed. Woe has been unto him since he thought he could be like the Lord God Himself. Praise the Lord Most High."

So, folks, you heard the man: Praise the Lord Most High. We are going to be mourning our fallen brothers for a period of time, so we won't be able to bring you the news for a while.


*After Lucifer's banishment, he sought refuge on Earth, swearing he'd make it his domain. He decided to observe the Lord's creation so he could destroy it beautifully.

He observed man and his helper, Adam and Eve, keenly. He wanted to destroy them first since the Lord God said they were made in His image and likeness. He always hated the sight of these creatures. He noticed that Adam and Eve could eat from all the fruits of the garden except the one in the center.

He knew it must have been an order from the Lord, so he decided to use it to his advantage. He'd let the humans eat from this tree so they would also be cursed like him for disobedience. He needed a plan to tempt man enough to eat from the fruit.

Boom! It hit him. He observed the creatures and decided to influence one of the loneliest ones in the Garden of Eden. The lucky, or in this case, the unfortunate creature he picked was the serpent. A two-horned slithery creature with two arms and legs. It had the form of a lizard but much larger and with horns. He befriended the lonely creature and influenced it into doing his bidding.*

He told the serpent, "Dear serpent, look how lonely you are. I bet you are the least favorite of the Lord's creation and the loneliest too." *chuckles softly*

"Lies! The Lord God loves all the creatures equally," the serpent replied nervously.

"Are you sure about that?" Lucifer asked.

"Yes," the serpent replied nervously.

"My dear serpent, why do you deceive yourself? I can see why no one takes a liking to you. Can't you see that those two-legged creatures are the apple of God's eye? He loves them more than anything He ever created, so I suggest you burst the bubble of lies you're living in."

The serpent, who let herself be influenced by Lucifer's words, conceived anger and resentment in her heart. Lucifer saw this as an opportunity and said, "I know a way to get rid of these humans so you and the other creatures can have all the love of God to yourselves. All you have to do is get the woman to eat of the fruit in the center of the garden."

"Okay. What type of creature are you anyways? You don't look like the others I've met. What is the name that man gave to you?" enquired the serpent.

"You need not worry, I'm a friend," said Lucifer.

The serpent set out to find the woman to tempt her into eating the fruit of the tree just as the mysterious one had said.
