Chapter 59: Ruined Good Will or Something Really Cool!

Suddenly, a massive, almost evil smile appeared on Alchemy's face.

'You're not the only one who can test others, monkey. Your true nature is still that of a monkey trained to be in a circus or zoo.' Alchemy chuckled maliciously.

As harsh as her thoughts were, she was a bit more than just a little annoyed. She knew for a fact that Nera could feel the killing intent through their connection. Whether she reacted to it, or rather if she was in a position to was unknown to Alchemy.

The specifics didn't matter. What did matter was that Nera noticed and was already in a bad mood. Any more, and she might actually go berserk. As good of a read as she had on Rio's personality, she still didn't know how patient he'd be with Nera attacking him full force.

"What is there to talk about, exactly?" Alchemy questioned without turning.

"The-The deal, of course. It was just a test to see if-"