"You look rather confident today, Disciple! Is it perhaps because of those wings of yours? They are quite a bit bigger than they were yesterday." Gravana laughed.
"Well… Tricks are my specialty. I'm not so sure my wings have anything to do with that, though."
Alchemy shrugged. Her expression was more smug than confident. It was true that she had a new trick to show Gravana, but she was just glad that she had something to do.
"Grahaha! Come on, then! I'll determine whether these tricks of yours are worth the effort."
As Gravana took a defensive stance, Alchemy lowered her body, crouching as she prepared to propel herself forward.
'Remember. The goal is one hit. Either land an attack or make him move backward. My Strength is disgustingly low for being a Tier 2 existence, but that's fine. Razor Surge gives me the lament of surprise.'