Chapter 20

Lucy was still in bed, it was probably 10am and she hadn't even taken her bath. She had never been in bed for this long since she joined the agency but she spent the night thinking about the event of the past few days, it also crossed her mind that the shooter might still be looking for them so she couldn't really get much sleep.

There was a sudden knock on the door, she sighed and cursed under her breath

"Who on earth could it be?" She muttered. Still on her blue night wears she stumbled till she got to the door.

"Who is it?" She yelled.

"Who else could it be" came the reply. Lucy recognized the voice it was Eddy, she opened the door with a slight groan.

"What do you want?" She asked seeing him dressed in his uniform.

"Well that's no way to welcome a guest" Eddy said mischievously.

"Am not in the mood for your games, Ed. How did you even know I was back?" She asked.

"I didn't, your partner did"

"Who Harry?" She asked, surprised.