Making my way to the cafeteria, I couldn't help but remember him smiling. Ace Prince was known as one guy that doesn't really smile.
"Detener" my sister said, holding my shoulder to stop me. Turning to face her, I saw a worried look on her face. "What's wrong".
I sighed, debating on weather to tell her are not. Glancing over her shoulder, I saw Ace and his friends waking our way, indulged in their convo. I looked back at my sister who followed my gaze to them. I shrugged it off and shook my head once she turned to face me.
Realizing I didn't want to talk about it, she shrugged. Hooking her hands to mine and pulled me to the cafeteria.
Entering the cafeteria, the smell of burgers filled my nostrils. I made my way to the stack of tray taking out one for me and Madison then stood in line after handing one to her.
After collecting our lunch we made our way to our usual table. Placing my tray, I sat and started eating. Making small talking with my sister, as we finish up.
Munching on a few left over fries, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. Looking up, I was greeted by those green eyes.
"Can I sit" he ask, I nod.
"It's a free world" my sister grumbles, slurping her strawberry slouchy. Ace looked at her then back at me, then took a seat beside me his back facing Madison.
"A few of my friends and I are heading to the beach later, you girls up" he ask, why is he asking us, we're nerds. My sister shocked expression mirroring mine.
"You know we're not your type of people right" my sister said, placing a fry in her mouth. Wait, her fries are finished where's she getting more. I looked down to see her reaching for one of my fries, and slap her hand.
"Awi" she whines rubbing her hand. I stick my tongue out at her. Then I heard the weirdest sound ever, turning to face Ace my eyes widen. Ace was chuckling. Is this guy on drugs.
"You two are weird, I like it. So you up for later, if not we could go another time" he ask, licking his bottom lip, then smile. I would like to go but I have business to take care of with my gang.
"Sorry, maybe tomorrow, we're kinda busy after school today" I told him, I expected him to glare at us and say whatever are force us. But instant he smiles and says 'it okay we can go another time'. Which was surprising even for my sister.
"I'll see you around, Madison, Valeria" he said, walking off. How did he even know our names.
"Don't look so surprised, he's in our English and gym class" she said, placing another fry in her mouth, I huff and handed the tray to her.
"Yay" she cheers, looking like a kid in a candy store. Surprisingly she ate more than I do, and yet I'm more fit. We had everything in common, same size boob which is a formal D cup, same body but I have a little more curve, and the same hair but she dyed hers though you can still see the platinum blonde pecking out.
Leaving the trays, we made our way to the outside field for gym. One thing I hate about this class was that Candy and her dwarf was in it as well. But what I love about it was that we got to do as we please, box, run, jump you name it. Ace and his friends gather in the middle of the field picking out people to play football with.
Tying my lace, I made my way to the dumbbells adding five weights to each side of the metal before sitting. My sister standing over me to spare me. Everyone watching as I laid down, gripping the cold metal and lifting it up and down while counting. This was my usual routine at home in my home gym. After counting fifty lifts, I rest it back on the stand and sat up. Everyone looking at me with shocked expressions, even my coach.
Ignoring them I got up and spared my sister. We'll need the strength for Liam after school so why not. I can punch the shit of the pushing bag later.
After, we went for a lap around the track.
"So about this Liam thing, what are you planning to do" Madison ask, running along side me.
"Make sure he learns his lesson" I told her, a bit pissed that he would try something so stupid. He use to be one of us till he left, since then I've been trying to find a replacement for him but not one guy on my list qualifies. There all newbies, I want someone I don't have to worry about when I send him on patrol.
"What no boiling pot of oil this time" she smirks, this was my usual scarlet, the one that enjoys torturing people for the fun.
"Not this time" I smirk, then she knew exactly what I was referring to.
We stopped, taking a seat on the standings.
"Are you still trying to find a replacement" she ask, pulling her shoes off.
"Yeah, but no one fits the bill" I explain to her, she very well know of the qualities to be in the gang.
"What about a guy from the school, it'll be easier to keep track of him" she says, and in a weird way she has a point, if I get someone from here I'll be able to keep an eye on him and punish him if he steps out of line.
"Not a bad idea, I'll have KB look over a few files later and give me the ones that are capable and test them" I told her, she smirks, taking a drink of water.
This should be fun, no more good girl with one of my picking this should be fun.