He made his way towards us, taking the seat to my left. Sending my sister a few looks, she instantly know what I was saying and mouth 'I Know'.
I sighed, ignoring the fact the giant lizard was sitting next to me. I continued to listen as the teacher hands out chemicals, bottles and test papers.
"What are we suppose to do exactly" I heard the lizard ask. I heard my sister scoff, rolling her eyes before muttering to herself.
"Could you be anymore stupid" I stifle a laugh. Realizing I heard her, she chuckled.
"What's so funny" he hiss, ignoring him we continued to giggle. Taking the paper and equipments, we looked over the instructions, well we including me and my sister. Mr Lizard however was texting pizza face. Don't ask how I know.
As the class continues, Mr Lizard was mostly texting and by mostly I mean only. He'd glances at us now and again and only half an hour has gone from the class time and this class last for two hours.
Heating the liquid, waiting for it to turn to steam which was a stupid experiment if you ask me.
"What are you two doing" i heard the Lizard ask, not the question he should be asking but fuck him. I roll my eyes, and shrug.
"Did you just roll your eye at me" he hiss, calling the attention of everyone. I rolled my eyes once more and this time I wasn't the only one. My sister also.
"Don't roll your fucking eyes at me" I laugh, placing my paper on the desk aiming to smash the tray of test tubes across his head, does this giant Lizard know who he's messing with. Before I could reach for my test tubes, I was stopped by my sister. She knew very well how to hold her temper but at most I didn't. Counting to ten, I calmed myself and went back to work. He narrowed his gaze at us before turning back to his phone.
I've barely been around this guy for a hour and yet he's getting on my nerves. I've never been this close to him before, and now that I am........ I still don't see why girls fuss over him. Other than his blue eyes and ash blonde hair this guy's a marble stone waiting to be carved.
So much for Greek god and the perfect demon. Even my poodle has more Greek god style and taste than him, and that's saying something cause my poodle is virtual.
As I continue with the assignment, I could feel someone burning holes in my head, lifting my head slightly, I saw him sitting there staring at me. Why the fuck is he staring at me, am I wearing flour.
"Why are you staring at me" I ask, he smirks, pulling closer to where we are.
"Are you new here, I've never seen you before" he ask, scanning my expressionless face. I'm not one to show emotions, cause as a leader it'll make me look weak. Yes I fake a few, but I never really show my emotions that much.
"I've been coming to this school for three years" I answer, turning down the flame under the baker.
"So you've been hiding form me" he ask, staring at me in what looks like awe. Okay Mr lizard is officially creeping me out. Why does he care if he sees me are not. Weird little dude.
"I have better things to do than pop up in the sight of Mr Perfect on a daily basis" I said not making eye contact with him.
"So you admit I'm perfect" he grins, running his finger through his hair. Again weird little dude.
"Get back to work and stop talking señor lagarto" I hiss, my sister chuckles, he huff, staring daggers at her, but she continued.
Hearing the bell ring for the end of the first session of the class, I groan. Why can't they just put me out of my misery now, this lizard is going to be the death of me. An I think we already know who the killer is.
Feeling my phone buzz, I pull out my iPhone 8. Earning stares from those who's attention was already on Mr lizard. I had three phone's, one for business, one for personal and one for threats. But my parents only know of my personal phone, I got the others from Australia, and the messages and call on it are untraceable.
Seeing that the text was from Angel, my right hand girl, I opened it.
Warehouse tonight at midnight, we have a problem boss
The Divas, Angel
This can't be good, I showed the test to Madison. She nods, since she was my sister, and she has helped me with the group a lot, she was my second in command.
As the class drags on, I was overjoyed when the bell rang. Though I really wanted to get out of class, I waited for the bundle at the door to clear first, I might be hungry but I'm not desperate to die in that crowd.
Even mr lizard stayed put. Maybe not wanting to mess up his so call godly face. Oh please, this guy's as hot as my last phone when it over heats.
"What's your name though beautiful" he ask pointing towards me.
"Valeria, and don't call me that" ignoring me, he points to my sister. She hesitated for a while before answering.
He nods, standing from his seat. Before he could answer, his friends came barging in.
"Jason, dude, lets go for lunch" meet Derrick, the fine ass one. He has oak brown hair and Carmel eyes.
"Hello ladies" Nathan, a former Diva member who escaped shooting. He has light blonde hair and weird purple eyes, contacts maybe.
"Get lost" Madison hiss, packing up the tubes. I sat there staring at the only one of the four boys who hasn't spoken yet. Ace Prince, the leader of this little group. His raven black hair and green eyes is enough to give you chills. Like Mr lizard, he was a man whore, so was his best friends. But unlike the rest he was single, and not looking, just fuck and leaving.
As our eyes made contact, he smiles. Wait!!!!! What!!!!!!! I'm seeing things, yeah that's it. Sending a shy smile, I packed up my thing and left, pulling Madison by her arm.