After returning to the camp, I decided to sit with Ace and the others, watching them play spin the bottle. Blaze left saying he had shipments to deal with so he won't be back till tomorrow, Reo also tagged along.
Sitting behind the group with Madison and Bliss, watching Lila mindlessly flirt with Ace and Jason checking out fresh ass from the other school.
"Hey babe, you, me, my tent" Jason smirked wiggling his brows.
"Don't you have a girlfriend" the fresh ass ask, eyeing Candy up and down. Candy rolled her eyes and linked her arms with Ace's.
"Not anymore" Jason smirked, not paying heed to Candy. The girl smirk, holding out her hands to Jason who gladly took it, standing up.
"Hey, hands off bitch" Lila growls, glaring at Candy.
"Shut your bag pipe, he's not yours anyways" Candy hiss, resting her head on Ace's shoulder.