26- tell him

Three more days, this weekend is going to disappear in three days. I can't wait to be in the comfort of my own bed, without the site of Candy in the morning.

Unlike pizza face, I like to wake up naturally without avocado on my face. I didn't even know avocado went well with pizza.

Feeling a strong arm wrapped around me, a familiar spicy scent. I groan, wrapping my arms around the figure, my head resting the it's muscular chest.

Feeling the arms pulling me closer, groaning, my eyes shot open. Why am i not lying on my bed???

"Stop squirming cupcake" I heard the figure groan, looking up I was greeted by a peaceful Blaze fast asleep. I smile, but then it hit me. My smile faded. How'd he get here, and how am I on top of him??

"Blaze" I whisper, poking the bridge of his nose. He groan, turning his head away from me.

I sighed, pushing myself up but to no avail. His grip tighten around me. Poking his cheek, he groan.