29- I spy

I can't believe him, he's such an. Ugh. I don't even know why I'm with this asshole.

Just one more day, one more and I'll kick his ass to the side. I'm waiting until we return to school, so when I tell him I can run and not show up to school for a few days.

After this trip we get one week and a half for Christmas holiday. Then it's back to school for the new term. I'm not the dress for the weather type but it's really cold out. So I took Blazes jacket this morning when we went to the hide out.

I've been avoiding Ace since our little scene in the tree that I still don't understand. Since then he's been cuddling up with every slut and nerd he sees. I think he's trying to get me jealous. He tried it with Madison and ended up with a broken nose, then it was Bliss who actually bit him. I'm kinda surprised Mandy stomped on his foot. Guess she doesn't like cuddles.

Diego and his friends kept their distance which was a smart move.