30- the race for free lunch

Yesterday wasn't much of a good day, other than shooting those assholes, my day was boring. I miss the thrill of getting what I want my own way, shooting asshole that cross me, shoving screwdrivers down their throats if I don't get what I want.

Yeah I'm that much of a bad bitch. That's why people fear me, well little Diva, of course. But those who know who I am and is still alive. Knows I don't mess around, good girl are not.

I race, I drift, I kill, an all an all, I claim. I'm that girl you see in your nightmares and pray not to meet in a dark alley. I hunt and I protect. This city is mine, people might fear me but they look to me for protection from other gangs. As long as you don't owe me, are on my death list, I'll help you.