31- kill me now

Arriving at the mall, you wouldn't guess who won. Of course I did, no doubt. It was no surprise that Madison was second, so Bliss was buying us lunch in McDonalds.

I wanted Applebee's but Blaze and Madison wanted McDonald's. I said no to Madison but she turned Blaze on me for McDonalds and I couldn't object. He literally bribed me with kisses for me to change my mind.

Which was unfair since he was my boyfriend and should be taking my side. I think I liked it better when they were at each other throats.

Since Christmas was a few days away, we decided to split up and go Christmas shopping and meet up back at McDonalds in an hour.

I had been to three stores so far, an bought a gift for KB, Tyreek, Bliss and Madi. I bought gifts for my other inner gang weeks back so their the least.