Of all the days to do shit, it had to be today. On New Year's Eve. I guess my year. Started with a bang. Who knew I'd be in the middle of this.
Cricket chirps.
Okay so everyone did. But seriously. I'm hours away from the gang meeting and this is what those assholes plans.
Okay, let's start from the beginning.
In the beginning of time, God created the heaven and earth.
Okay not that far. Let's start with my in counter with Layla.
Walking into the kitchen I froze, tilting my head to the left then the right. Pacing back out of the kitchen, stopping a few feet away from the door. I exhale and nod before entering the kitchen once more.
Okay maybe I did walking into an parallel universe. Curse you Berry Alien.
"Good morning, Valeria" my father chirps, laying out pancakes. Don't we have maid's for this shit.
"Isn't this fun, want a flapjack V" Layla chime, handing me a plate of flapjacks.