The meeting was a complete success as expected. The other gangs were all for it which left a smile on my face. All that's felt to do now is visit Reo's little hospital friend and confirm my custody of Mia.
An no Mia's not with me at the moment, she's with her aunt Maze till the court herring.
Blaze was over the moon when I told him I'll spend the night. After the meeting we went back to his place, eat junk food, talk about nothing and watched shows we don't even know the name of.
I woke up this morning to a miner headache from the beers we had. In the shower I wasn't surprised that he came in. He soft tingling touches made me weak. His gentle kisses and soft sponge rube was enough to give me goosebumps and turn me into a horny mess. I'm not complaining though.