33- secret closet

"VAL WAKE UP THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE" I heard someone yell, making me scream and roll off the bed with a loud thump.

I groan, trying to untangle myself from the comforter but to no avail. I groan louder, standing my feet. Looking over at the boys dying of laughter. A tired Madison standing next them yawning. Way to start the morning.

"You.... You should of-seen your..... Face" Tad said between his laughter. I growl, kicking the comforter off my feet and walked over them.

"You little-" I growl, clutching my fist.

"Oh can it sponge Bob" Chad laughs, pointing at my sponge Bob pajamas. I smirk.

"Your one to talk Barbie" I smirk, pointing to his Barbie underpants. That shout him up.

"Haha" Tad laughs.

"Oh, your one to laugh Beyonce" Madison chuckles, finally awake.

"What she's hot" he chuckles, pointing to his underwear. We burst into laughter.

"But what about you Drake" Chad smirks at Madison.