34- follow the leader

Since we arrived at the cafe, Blaze was out of sight. After I confirmed with him that the HE was back, he got tense. Knowing him he's planning my security drill. He's always been protective of me, and this time is no different.

After ordering we took a seat in a booth near the window. Bliss arrived earlier an was introduced to the boys. She freaked at first, but calmed when Chad told her to shut her yap.

"So, where's Blazer anyway" Tad ask, finally realizing Blazes disappearance.

"On a call" I lied, hoping a it wasn't. Blaze soon enters the cafe, putting his phone in his sweater pocket. Sliding in the booth beside me.

"We need to talk, outside now" he whispers in my ears, slide out of the booth.

"I'll be right back" I smile, excusing myself and followed him outside.

"What's wrong" I ask, resting my hand on his shoulder.