57- resuce

I stood there watching Ace in place. If that's his real name. I could see their lips moving but from where I stood I couldn't hear anything. Its like I was watching a movie without sound.

I saw Ace's brows narrow, his face turning red. His left hand behind his back giving his men a private signal. His gun pointing towards Blaze.

"What are they doing, is that Ace" Layla chime, twirling her blonde hair on her finger.

Ignoring her, I breathe in and out before pulling the trigger, shooting him in the head. Layla an Candy gasp.

"You killed him" they exclaimed.

I watching as they exchanged gunfire, shooting a few diva's. I chuckled at the sight of jun hun with the machine gun.

More the less, within minutes, the cartels laid lifeless. It was victory well deserved.

Valeria's POV

Watching as the chains fell from my hand, my wrist burning red.