56- lead

'Copy that' the others answer.

"Boys load up" I said, reaching for my gun under my seat. Releasing the steering wheel, I quickly turned off the safety.

Handing the gun to Chad, I grab the wheel an sped up.

"The others are here" Tad says, opening one of the back windows.

One by one, I saw cars, jeeps and bikes zipping past us.

"Their with us right" Chad ask timidly, opening his window. I knew for sure they were Divas. Only Divas can make such entrance. An because their wearing their Little Diva cloak.

Speeding up, Chad sat on the window, holding on while shooting a the cars surrounding the van.

Gunshots pouring from all angles. Cars skidding off the road one by one.

Mandy's POV

I watch as Mrs Lockhart, paced around the room impatiently. Since Blaze an the others left, she's been pacing back an forth in the same place. I'm surprised she hasn't burned a hole in the ground.