Mysterious Mark: A New Challenge from Fate

任瑶盯着手背上那奇怪的红色印记,形状像一只充血的眼睛.这让她的皮肤发痒.这是什么时候出现的?为什么她什么都没感觉呢?她试着擦掉它,但擦得越多,它就越大,颜色就越深,灼热感也越来越强烈,就像热铁压在她的皮肤上一样."该死!这是什么鬼?任瑶忍不住大声咒骂.惊慌失措的她赶紧抓住了罗毅和罗川的注意力."看!我手上的这是什么东西?!两个男人都被她突如其来的警报吓了一跳,瞥了一眼那个标记.他们也大吃一惊.罗川挠了挠头."这...感觉有点令人毛骨悚然.会不会是某种诅咒?任瑶翻了个白眼."你读了太多小说了.诅咒?说真的...""她说这句话,但在内心深处,不安正在蔓延.罗毅皱着眉头伸手去摸那个印记,但任瑶本能地将她的手拉开了."别碰它!如果这是某种病毒怎么办?罗毅收回手,想了片刻."冷静点.我们会想办法的.他没有像往常那样迅速行动,这让任瑶感到有些失望,但也激发了她内心的决心.右.她不能一直依赖别人.她需要让自己变得更强大."我要找点线索,看看这东西到底是什么,"她宣称,她的目光因坚定而变得坚硬.就在这时,她的叔叔出现在门口,带着假笑."瑶瑶,听说你在这儿,就来看看你."他的眼中闪过某种黑暗和恶意,让任瑶的心一沉.这家伙绝对不是出于好意来的."叔叔,你怎么来了?"任瑶强行用平静的语气,尽管她汗湿的手掌透露了她的紧张.她的叔叔走上前,他的目光立即锁定在她手上的印记上.他的表情变了,变得复杂起来,嘴角浮现出最淡淡的冰冷笑容."这是什么?" 他问道,假装关心,但他的声音里充满了怀疑.任瑶心跳加速.他知道一些事情.她能感觉到.她什么也没透露,赶紧把手藏在背后."什么都没有.我只是不小心把它弄脏了.但她的叔叔并没有被愚弄.他以惊人的力量抓住她的手腕,将她的手向前拉扯."让我看看,"他命令道,声音坚定,不允许任何拒绝.任瑶挣扎着,试图将她的手拉回来,但他的握力是铁定的."叔叔,你伤害了我!"就在这时,罗毅走上前来,站在他们之间,冰冷的目光锁定在任瑶的叔叔身上."放她走."她叔叔的脸色变黑了,但那虚假的笑容很快就回来了."罗先生,这是家事.你应该远离它.罗毅没有理他,语气现在更加尖锐了."放她走."她的叔叔僵住了,他的手悬在半空中,眼中充满了压抑的愤怒.漫长而紧张的片刻之后,他放开了任瑶,转身离开."等一下,"他啐了一口,气冲冲地走了,消失在走廊上.任瑶松了一口气.罗毅把她紧紧地抱在怀里,他强烈的心跳砰砰地敲打着她的耳边,他的温暖像盾牌一样包裹着她."现在没事了.我在这里,"罗毅轻声说,他的声音像蜂蜜一样轻柔.任瑶感到一阵温暖,仿佛她是一株枯萎的植物,突然沐浴在阳光下,焕发了活力,充满了生机.然而,和平并没有持续太久.她的舅舅对任瑶现在过着舒适的生活,靠在罗毅这样的人身上感到愤怒.他无法忍受看到她从他身上升起.Determined to bring her back under his control, he sent his men to capture her. This time, he gave strict orders to bring her back at any cost.His underlings, fierce and intimidating, showed no concern for the public as they moved in to capture Ren Yao on the streets. Pedestrians scattered in panic, afraid to get involved.Ren Yao smirked. "Think I'm a kitten just because I'm not roaring? Guess again."She wasn't the same Ren Yao as before.With a swift motion, she dodged their attacks like a ghost, moving with agility and precision. The new skills the system had given her weren't for show. She easily evaded their clutches, knocking them down one by one. By the time she was done, the thugs were left crying for their mothers, completely humiliated."Is that all? You want to catch me? Come back after ten more years of training!" Ren Yao clapped her hands dismissively, her face full of disdain.The thugs, utterly defeated, limped back to report to her uncle. Hearing of their failure, he was beyond furious, knocking over a table in a fit of rage."Useless! A bunch of trash!" He shouted, his eyes red with fury. "Ren Yao, you better watch out!"After escaping her uncle's clutches, Ren Yao didn't let her guard down. She knew this was only the calm before the storm. Her uncle wasn't the type to let things slide.She needed to figure out the mystery behind the mark on her hand before it was too late, or she'd never be safe.As she hurried down the street, her steps suddenly halted. Her eyes caught sight of an elderly man at the street corner—an unremarkable figure, bent over with a cane, wearing a faded Tang suit.He looked fragile, as if the wind could knock him over, but something about him felt... mysterious.More importantly, hadn't he just... looked at her hand?Could he know something about the mark?Ren Yao's curiosity piqued. Without hesitation, she changed direction and walked toward the old man."Excuse me, sir!" she called out.The old man slowly lifted his head, his cloudy eyes briefly lingering on the mark on her hand. A flicker of surprise flashed in his gaze before it quickly disappeared, and he returned to his calm demeanor."Is something the matter, young lady?" His voice was raspy, but it carried a sense of quiet wisdom.Ren Yao immediately extended her hand toward him. "Have you seen this mark before?"The old man stared at it for a few seconds, then shook his head slowly. Without saying a word, he turned and slowly hobbled away with his cane.Ren Yao stood there, frozen. Had he seen it, or not?She wanted to chase after him, to ask more, but he had already disappeared into the crowd.That old man definitely knew something.Ren Yao bit her lip, her mind swirling with questions. A deep, instinctive feeling told her that this old man might hold the key to unraveling the mystery of the mark."Looks like I'll need to find him again…" Ren Yao murmured to herself, determination flashing in her eyes.She turned and blended into the throng of people, her figure disappearing into the sea of faces, driven by a newfound resolve."Excuse me, miss..." A voice suddenly called from behind.