任瑶变身为夏洛克·福尔摩斯,展开了对神秘老人的寻找,她梳理了城市的每一个角落,没有一条街道或小巷未被触及.她的高跟鞋在高跟鞋上破旧不堪,她的妆容被汗水弄得一团糟,她的肚子像一座空荡荡的堡垒一样大声咕咕叫.路人朝她的方向瞥了一眼,眼中充满了好奇和...可惜."她还好吗?她出事了吗?"我丢了吗?"任揉了揉她疼痛的太阳穴,开始怀疑她的理智.如果这位老人只是一个骗子,或者更糟糕的是,他只是一个参与人口贩运的人呢?这个想法让她感到不寒而栗.她把钱包抱得更紧了,小心翼翼地扫视着周围的环境.就在她准备放弃的时候,一个熟悉的身影出现在她的面前."安青?"安青迅速走到她面前,对她蓬头垢面的状态没有任何同情.相反,她直言不讳地说道:"瑶瑶,你得相信自己的直觉.任瑶愣住了.这不是典型的"戏剧女王"剧本.她难道不应该先拿出纸巾,然后用温柔的声音问道:"你还好吗?"直觉?"任瑶重复了这个词,她的眼睛里闪耀着新的决心."也许你是对的..."她一把抓住安晴的手,"走吧!安青坚定不移地陪伴任瑶一起追求.这感觉就像一个合作游戏,他们互相支持,一起升级并面对挑战.任瑶瞥了一眼安青坚决的眼神,温暖涌上心头."姑娘,你很结实!"她拍了拍安青的肩膀,流露出一些街头聪明的自信."当然!"安青咧嘴一笑,但如果情况不同,她肯定会扯着嗓子唱"姐妹为生命".然而,像往常一样,事情并没有按计划进行.他们寻找老人的搜索结果比预期的要危险得多.不知不觉中,一群留着霓虹色头发,穿着华丽服装的朋克挡住了他们的去路."嘿,两位漂亮的女士,你们要去哪里?"领头的是一个黄头发的男人,用一种自大的语气说,毫不羞愧地看着她们——就像两只饥饿的狼在发现他们的猎物."不关你的事,"任瑶厉声说,双臂交叉,用凶狠的眼睛瞪着.黄发小伙微微畏缩,但很快就恢复了自己的傲慢."噢,好斗!我喜欢这样!他伸手抓住任瑶的脸."啪!"尖锐的巴掌声在小巷里回荡.任瑶的手快如闪电,一记重重的耳光打在了那家伙的脸颊上."你觉得你能和我在一起吗?看看你自己!其他朋克立即靠近,准备摊牌.突然,一个人影凭空出现,移动速度比闪电还快."哎呀!当朋克们被撞倒在地时,他们痛苦地捂着肚子."Ro Yi!"任瑶和安青异口同声地喊道.罗易随手掸去身上的灰尘,一脸轻松地走了过来."看来我总是准时入场."他淡淡一笑,眼中满是一丝深情,看了任瑶一眼.暴徒们被他的出现吓坏了,立即开始求饶."兄弟,我们错了!我们不会再这样做了!罗易冷冷地扫视着他们,声音冰冷."迷路!如果我发现你再惹麻烦,后果就落在你身上了.朋克们匆匆忙忙地走开了,不敢回头看."You here?" Ren Yao asked, surprised.Ro Yi gave a mysterious smile. "Some things are better left unsaid." He paused, then gestured to a narrow alley ahead. "Let's go. Someone's waiting for you."He led the way, his tone hinting that the person they were looking for might be just ahead.The alley was dark and smelled faintly of mildew, mixed with an unknown floral fragrance. It felt like something straight out of a horror movie. The dim light and the moss-covered walls made it seem eerie and dangerous.Ren Yao and An Qing stuck close to Ro Yi, wary of falling into some trap.The atmosphere was downright creepy.After about five minutes, the alley opened up, revealing a small courtyard. It was a stark contrast to the gloomy passage they had just walked through. The yard was filled with vibrant flowers in all shades of purple, pink, and red, nearly blinding Ren Yao with its beauty.An old man in a gray robe stood by the gate. Despite his frailty, he had an otherworldly presence, almost as if he were expecting them."You've arrived," the old man said, his voice like the ringing of ancient bells, full of mystique.Ren Yao's heart raced. Could this be the person she had been searching for?She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. "Excuse me, do you... do you know me?"Instead of answering directly, the old man gave her a knowing look. "The mark on your body, I recognize it."The mark!
The mention of it hit Ren Yao like a thunderclap. Her mind flooded with memories, fragments of the past crashing in like a tidal wave, leaving her head pounding.
"Ah!" She cried out in pain, clutching her head.An Qing rushed to her side. "Yao Yao, are you okay?"Ro Yi stepped forward, concern in his eyes. "Are you alright?"Ren Yao took a few steadying breaths, shaking her head. "I'm fine. Just... my head hurts a little."The old man observed her for a moment before speaking softly. "I know you have many questions. About your mark, your confused memories—I can tell you the truth.""Really?" Ren Yao looked up, her eyes sparkling with hope.The old man paused before speaking again. "However... I have one condition."Ren Yao's heart skipped a beat. "What condition?"The old man didn't answer immediately, only smiled enigmatically. His eyes were deep, as though he could see through everything.That smile, in the dim light of the courtyard, looked more eerie than reassuring.Ren Yao stood before the mysterious elder, sensing a growing unease in her chest. Something about this felt off...