Chapter 127: You can rest now

Lenora cast him a fleeting, apologetic glance. This was the plan: they had to "detain" potential onlookers, keep them from interfering or alerting the suspects.

Luke, playing along, allowed himself to be herded into a corner, ropes biting into his forearms.

One of the men in black rummaged in a small kit, producing a strip of cloth to gag him. "Just do as we say," he snarled. "We'll let you go once the mission is complete."

Luke nodded cooperatively, deciding to watch how the fiasco unfolded. If he had to, he could break free in an instant, but something about the scenario intrigued him.

"All right," he thought, "I'll humor you…for a while."

Lenora stepped back into the hallway. She pulled out her phone, checking messages, then slipped it away. In a minute, she was outside again, resuming her role against the red wall—feigning her vibrant, flirtatious persona.