Our destination was a settlement named Kannes. Having housed multiple Knights during the earlier days of the war, it had been able to maintain itself and eventually become one of the many bases within the Kingdom.
Kannes was northeast of both Ruins and would have taken us another week or more to reach. However, thanks to the flying speed of an expert within the Sky-Realms, that week-long journey ended up ending in two hours. Yes.
Lord Cephas flew for two hours straight, shooting past the entirety of Dera and crossing the large river in that time. Thankfully, none of us had suffered damage thanks to the might of his mind. He protected us from the elements all through.
We arrived in Kannes during nighttime. Lord Cephas's entry into the town had been mostly silent, but the few who had been awake did not miss the sight of over seventy individuals floating behind a regal figure. He had arranged us in a way that allowed for speed.