81. Afterimages

A few days passed with generally the same routine. I and Devon would arise in the morning, wash ourselves, and then head for the dining. No one stopped us, nor were we supposed to pay. We obviously didn't overstay our welcome, as I drew much attention, and apparently, my fame had begun to spread.

It would seem Eiko had been much more expressive about my feats, and now I could see how they looked at me.

The said Knight herself had not visited me since we arrived there. I threatened to get annoyed at her for it but didn't. It felt surprising that I even experienced that much emotion. It reminded me of my days of youth.

'She's probably busy'—the words I used to console myself in her absence. I didn't know what else to do now. Thoughts about the future had started to appear in my mind. I enjoyed the peace within the fort, but I had a mission I had to accomplish.