Chapter 19 part 2
We last left...
Sendou: Whatever it means, that beast Is a monster...
{It cuts to the morning}
Sendou: (opening his eyes widely) [It's time...] Morning everyone... (As he walks into the kitchen)
Kimura: I saved a bowl for you before he got to it (as he looks at Satarou pout in the corner)
Sendou: Thanks bro... (As it is visible that Sendou got no sleep) I'm so tired.
Kimura: What happened bro? Did you have another nightmare?
Sendou: I know that I've always had this sixth sense but this one was... Different.
Kimura: Yeah your dreams are never wrong. Then that means this challenge will be the hardest.
Sendou: It seems like that lil bro.
Kimura: But I Know you've got this, you always find a way to beat the odds!
Sendou: Let's hope I pull a miracle out of my ass this time too.
{As Itadori walks in}
Itadori: Morning everyone!!
Everyone: Morning Sensei!!
Itadori: You know the schedule, Kimura, Yanji and Onaraka are on restaurant duty since it's the month end rush 28th to the 31st of October, and Satarou and Tokito on patrol duty spirit activity seems to be worsening lately, I wonder why? But aside from that today's Sendou's final day of training. Have you heard your duties?!
Everyone: Yes Sensei!!
{As everyone again Separates to there respective spots as it cuts to Kimura and Yanji in the kitchen}
Kimura: You weren't joking about this month end rush!! (As there swarmed by a ton of customers)
Yanji: We just need teamwork and we'll make it through!! You take the orders then I'll make them and Onaraka will take them to there tables!
Onaraka and Kimura: Yes sir!! (As they all co-ordinate and run the ship)
Kimura: [I wonder how's Sendou's doing?]
{As it cuts to Sendou}
Sendou: So how are we going to do this?
Itadori: It'll be exactly like the last time when I sent you to see the past holder, except this time I'm not sending you to the spirit realm, I'm sending you into the domain of the beasts.
Sendou: The realm of the beast? (With confusion in his voice not realizing the full weight of Itadori's statement)
Itadori: The realm of the beasts in a world where that beast reigns supreme in it's natural habitat...
Sendou: So it's like... There at the advantage? (Now realizing the full weight of this moment) Can I? Even do this? (As he starts questioning himself)
Itadori: I don't know, It's a 50/50. (He breaks the serious moment)
Sendou: A 50/50?! What's that supposed to mean?!
Itadori: It depends on how strong you are mentally.
Sendou: How strong I am mentally?
Itadori: If your strong enough to beat your demons, because that's the beast main source of power within you, it's you mental state that's being challenged today.
Sendou: I see...
{As there's an air of silence as Itadori performs the ceremony}
Itadori: I Know your strong enough to make it through, or at least I hope.
Sendou: Wait you hope?
{And as Sendou says that his soul is knocked back out}
{It goes dark as Sendou opens his eyes}
Sendou: Where am I?
{As Sendou's eye's focus the world around him starts contourting}
Sendou: What is happening?!
{As the whole world turns into a giant tropical forest}
Sendou: Is this a forest?! (Confused for the life of him)
{A giant siloet sits on a tree behind him}
???: How dare you enter my domain! Begone mortal!!
{Sendou's his eyes to the brightness of the bird}
Sendou: What are you? Sone kind of Bird?
???: That's... Kiko-ho to you!!
{As it spreads its wings it's feathers set alight as it's bright light shows it's a giant blue flamed phoenix}
Sendou: Wow!! Are you the beast Itadori was talking about?!
Kiko-ho: [Itadori? Yes it's the messenger!] Itadori sent you?
Sendou: Um yes?
Kiko-ho: So your my new holder?
Sendou: Yep that's me!!
Kiko-ho: I'm sorry but I wasn't talking to you! If you cane to tame me your gonna have to prove yourself.
Sendou: And how do I do that?!
Kiko-ho: By defeating me in combat...
{As it shows it's giant menacing figure and it's shadow towers over Sendou}
Sendou: (Gulps deeply) [Well this will definitely be a "Challenge"] But I'm not backing down!! (He eyes set alight in determination) Let's get down to it!! (As he tries to light his own flames)
{But Sendou's flames don't ignite}
Sendou: No don't tell me...
Marco: [Yup, you can't use his flames against him.]
Sendou: [Then how the heck do I fight it?!]
Marco: [Your supposed to use your mental strength to battle it.]
Sendou: Mental strength?!
Kiko-ho: You know you seem crazy because I can hear everything your saying!! (As it swoops in for the first strike)
{As the giant phoenix dives down from it's tree branch and as it's about to strike Sendou}
Sendou: Wow!! (Barely gets out of the way)
{Even though Sendou wasn't hit he felt the intensity of Kiko-ho's flames}
Sendou: [Those flames Sent shivers down my spine, it felt like horrible memories...]
{As Kiko-ho strikes rapidly Sendou is sent back with horrible memories of his past}
Sendou: [Those memories (as he sheds a tear of pure pain) are the worst part of my life... And I lived through it over and over... And I'm still stuck in that loop right here... (As he falls to his knees)
{Marco's voice rings out in Sendou's head}
Marco: Are you done mopping? It's time to get up and get back out there!!
Sendou: But... It'll be the same as before, I'm still a loser!!
Marco: No your no, migo I Kno you can do this, now get up!!
{In Sendou's darkness Marco's words ignite a spark, in Sendou's smoldering embers of his past}
Sendou: I... (As a spark lights up as Sendou sees all the good he's done his life)
{As now it flashes and show's Sendou protecting Kimura, him becoming a boxer, him becoming the Japanese champion, all the good Sendou has done in his life}
Sendou: I'm Not a loser! I can rewrite history with this (as he clenches his fist as it lights up dark blue flames) My own flame my own path, I will carve out my name with this!!
Kiko-ho: [He defeated my illusion, only the truly worthy can overcome it, he truly is...]
{As Kiko-ho and Sendou clash for the final time}
Kiko-ho: [I admit defeat and accept him as my final holder!!]
{As all the light shines so bright as Kiko-ho fades into feathers that sworm into Sendou's right arm as now it forms a flaming tattoo on Sendou's right arm}
Itadori: Oh your back!!
{As he was watching my hero academia on his TV}
Itadori: You were out for so long I could catch up on MHA. So how did it go?
Sendou: (as he looks to his right hand and feels a whole new power coarsing through his veins) I feel... Amazing, that beast inside me has finally gone quite...
Itadori: Then that means it was a success!! Congratulations Sendou you have now completed, "Sensei's Elemental course"!!
Sendou: For real?! Hell yeah!!
As it cuts to black to be continued!!