Chapter 20: Lost in the darkness

Previously on Seven Rings of Hell, Sendou was faced with the mythical creature of the Phoenix and he faced it's bright light and he overcame his past and he became one with Kiko-ho now Sendou has completed his training, now it's for Kimura's journey...

{It resumes back to Sendou and Itadori walking out the backroom}

Sendou: I am so tired!!

Itadori: You'll get use to it, because when the beast isn't in control your energy naturally goes down.

Sendou: Oh okay, but with this completed version of me... I feel (he clenches his fists and smile) finally feel whole again. That feeling I had Is finally gone... I am free!!

Itadori: (smiles proudly) [The bond between him and Ichiro has finally been severed, now Sendou's soul is finally his, (as it shows a angle of Sendou's back) He's finally able to blaze his own path to glory... Just like he did.](shows Marco next to Sendou)

Onaraka: Oh your finally back, how did it go?

Sendou: I kicked ass!! (Stretches out his fist)

Onaraka: That's what I like to hear!! (They fist bump)

Kimura: (his eyes looking really tired) Hey Sendou, your final done? That's great.

Sendou: Are you okay lil bro?

Kimura: Yeah... I'm fine, I just need some sleep (as he rubs his eyes going into the bedroom)

Onaraka: I've been so worried about his lately.

Sendou: I can feel something is off about him...

{It cuts to Kimura's side now}

Kimura: [I just can't take it anymore, I can't eat anymore... My heart feels... Empty (as he starts crying in the darkness of the room) Ever since then... I can't even sleep either...]

{As Kimura cries himself to sleep}

Kimura: [I don't want get up...] (He sees everyone start coming) [Oh shit!!] (As he puts on a face smile and a cheery tone) Hey everyone!

{Kimura hides his pain behind a mask}

Kimura: [It's the same old same old... No one noticed, and I really think no one ever will... I feel so alone!!] (As everyone one leaves Kimura falls back down crying) [Why am I being punished like this?! What have I done to deserve to feel like this?! (As the tears fall even harder) I feel so worthless... I'm just a failure!!] (As he runs into the bathroom) [Let me just end it right here right!!] (He tries to cut his wrists but the cuts never bleed) [Damn it I can't even do this!]

{This is because an elemental has a ability that prevents the holder from commiting suicide}

Itadori: Okay everyone! It's duty time, today is a special day, the shop will be closed today because it's Halloween, but there's a specific mission that I need the gents aside from Kimura on this mission, There's a sighting of a powerful demon called "The black Twitter murder" it's a demon that haunts this small town in the area, it comes out every year at Halloween so you need to be careful. Plus this'll be Sendou's first mission so take care of him! Onaraka and Tokito it's rest day for you so just chill. Kimura your coming with me, your starting your training today!!

{Everyone cheers as they sit down and eats breakfast}

Tokito: What's wrong Kimura, you haven't touched your food.

Onaraka: Yeah, it's your favorite, eggs and flapjacks. Why aren't you eating? (As she tries over nurturing him)

Kimura: I'm just not hungry that's all...

Onaraka: But you need to eat, so that you can have strength for this training.

Tokito: Yeah you'll need all the food you can get to survive.

Kimura: I'm not hungry alright! (As Kimura lashed out at them) So just leave it!!

{The cheerful tone is stopped by Kimura's lash out}

Yanji: Hey you don't talk to the ladies like that!

Kimura: Shut up!

Satarou: Kimura you keep your mouth shut, your disrespecting your seniors!

Kimura: Fuck you!!

Satarou: What did you just say brat?!

Sendou: Wow, wow Guys calm down, Kimura what's gotten into you!!

Kimura: Like you guys care!! (As Kimura rushes out crying)

Onaraka: Kimura!! (Tries to chase after him)

{But Sendou grabs her stopping her}

Sendou: (shaking his head) Let him cool off...

{As it cuts to Kimura running through the street crying}

Kimura: [No one understands me! No one!! I'm all alone, in this endless cycle of pain!! I need to...] (As he looks up to the highest building) [End it all!!] (As he climbs up the building and sees the open skies) This sun raise will be my last...

(As he looks onto the Beautiful sun raise)

{Kimura jumps}

{It cuts to black}

To be continued!!