Chapter 4: I'm Not The Only One

Once she said that, I was certain she knew something. I was hesitant to reply at first, but then something came to mind, I remember her looking extremely sleep deprived at the library. But what could that mean? Could she also be—

"Never mind, it was a waste of time coming here."

She grasped the door knob and started to open the door, ready to leave. But before she could open the door, I caught her hand, halting her. She turned around, and for a couple of seconds I began to stare into her eyes, and that's when I decided to answer her.

"What if I was appearing in a forest when falling asleep, why do you want to know?"

Although I suspected why she wanted to know, I asked to confirm that she was genuinely informed.

She let out a sigh before removing her hand from the door. She then stepped away from the door before grabbing my hand and walking me over to my couch. 

"Wait, so are you the one who sent me that note earlier?"

"What note? What are you talking about"

Was she not the one who sent me the note? If it wasn't her, then who else knows about what's going on?

"Wait right here!"

I thought she must've forgot writing the note, because of how tired she was earlier, so I ran into the kitchen to get it, because I thought maybe if she read it she'd remember writing it.

Once I got into the kitchen, When I entered the kitchen, I opened the drawer where I had left the note, but something wasn't right. The note, the one I had clearly put right into this drawer, was no longer there.

I frantically searched the nearby drawers, but still, nothing. The note was nowhere to be found.

That's when the lady came into the kitchen looking for me.

"If you're not going to come sit down and listen to what I have to say, I'll just leave then."

"No wait! I was just looking for something, don't go."

I grasped her hand and led her back to the couch.

"So, why do you want to know about my dreams?"


She hesitated for a moment. 

"I asked because I needed to confirm I wasn't the only one experiencing this."

"W-Wait so you mean...?"

"I'll explain everything so just listen closely."

"Two years ago, I was just heading home after being out all night with friends, but when I pulled into my drive way, there were footprints. It was a terrible idea, but I never realized at the time."

"I followed those footprints, and what I saw was a sight that's forever etched in my memory."

"About four months ago, I started having recurring dreams about the forest. But after the first one, I started to realize they were never just dreams. They felt too real."

'Her story is just like mine, the two year time skip, and even the dreams, they're all the same.'

"After the first dream I began to try keeping myself awake for as long as I could, but then sometime after the fourth dream I began to realize something. The longer you'll be asleep without realizing it."

'Is that why time went by so fast while I was asleep?'

"The longer you're asleep, the more dangerous it becomes, and the harder it is for you to wake up from it."

Once she finished I was sure of it, she knew many things that I didn't, and if I was gonna figure out why this was happening to me I'd definitely need her help.

"I think I've explained enough."

"Is that all then?"

"For now I need you to stay awake, I know it's dangerous but I can't have anything happening to your, not until I get my answer."

"What answer? What are you talking about?"

"Tomorrow morning at the same time you came earlier, meet me at the library. If you don't see me, ask another librarian if they have seen Lacia Park around anywhere, that's my name so they should know."

Before opening the door she turned around, ready to ask one more question.

"By the way, what's your name."

"Noah Lamich."

Once I told her my name, she opened the door and left. A couple of minutes after she was gone, I was super relieved that I was not the only one this was happening to. 

But then I remembered, she said she saw something terrifying that day two years ago. Was it the same black figure I had seen, or was it something utterly worse and even more terrifying?