Chapter 20 - Baring my heart


I was abused by my ex.

I looked at him to get a reaction but he seems very calm so I continued. I bared my heart to him. Crying in-between and he was patient enough. I was in awe of how could a man like this exist.

So, Mr Archer, I'm a broken girl and you can't possibly settle for someone like me.... I can't....

Ssshhhh.... Hey, look at me. It doesn't matter. I want you and I still you. It's his loss to have treated you like that. You are a rare Gem tesoro and I promise to cherish and stand by you.

I'm not perfect but I can try for you. He said.

I couldn't say anything but look at the creature in front of me.

What's his name? He asked.

Andy Giovanni. I think he's into some sort of hidden stuff. I can't tell but he....

Shhh... Don't worry baby... I'm here for you. Come here...

I scooted more closer hugging him and feeling his heartbeat. I love this man.

Ivy.... He called.

I looked up to look at him.

I think I should get you some security or something. I mean I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. I will be changing the locks by morning and it will be only you, me and Martha that will have the code. I need to be sure that you're safe all the time. Mario will be driving you from tomorrow and he will also serve as your bodyguard too. I will feel more at ease if someone is always with you.

Cas... Calm down, nothing is happening to me. Besides I'm not in danger and I'm doing great on my own. I hate bodyguards or people watching my every move.

Baby I know, I just want you to be safe and besides you left Florida for over five years and haven't returned. Who knows if he's looking for you. And you're becoming a renown event planner, so many people may want to harm you. My business partner that are not happy with me may target you once they knows how much I treasure you. You're mine baby and I want you safe all the time.

I surprised myself when I attacked his lips. He didn't respond immediately but he did kiss me back. Kissing him is now my drugs.

Cas... I know how you feel but aren't you over reacting. Yes he may be looking for me but time has changed. I'm not the same person I was six years ago. Besides I have you beside me now.

It doesn't harm to be extra careful baby. He said touching my face.

I know and thank you for looking out for me. I appreciate but I will be fine. And if I ever meet him I will punch him and I will call you.

Promise? He asked.

I promise. I said, pecking his lips.

Are you going to break up with Ian? He asked.

What? I burst out laughing. I'm sorry but I can't break up with him.

Why? You're mine now and I don't share what's mine.

No Mr. You haven't asked me out and I haven't accepted you as my man.

Why do I have to ask you out when you already know how I feel about you. You're mine tesoro and I can't share you with some stick.

Jeez..Cas you need to take me out on a proper date and ask me to be your girlfriend first then I will think about it and gets permission from Ian to date you. Now shoo, go and change your clothes I need to sleep. I said pushing him out of the bed. Gosh, you need to see his face.

Ivy, you mean, you need to get permission from Ian first. I think I need to warn him to stay clear around you. Give me his address or number.

I can't, now get out of my room.

You're getting fierce tesoro. This conversation is not yet over and please come over to my room, I want to sleep with you. I mean sleep next to you on the same bed. I still want to sleep with you. He said.

I threw him a pillow and he left. He's such a baby. I felt like something has been lifted out from me. I was happy for myself for the first time in a while. I feel safe around him. I can't wait to tell the squad.

Picking up my phone. I scrolled through some social media. I'm not really into all the social media stuff. Believe me when I say it was Ella and Scarlet that opened my social accounts for me.

I decided not to chat them up tonight. They will be back in few days. With that I slept off.

I woke up with heaviness. I needed to get up it seems like something is on me. I opened my eyes to see Caspian lying on top of me with his half body. He looks so peaceful while sleeping. I need to get up but his huge body is not allowing me. I gently move him or try moving him so I can get up.

Where are you going? He asked. His voice couldn't sound anymore sexy than this.

I need to get up Cas and why are you sleeping here?

I told you to come to my room and you didn't. I can't sleep without you so I came over myself. He said.

Aren't you being a little dramatic this morning Cas. Well I want to get up. It's morning already.

Five more minutes please. He draw me closer and I haven't gotten a kiss today. He proceed to kiss me but I moved my face, covering my mouth with one hand.

Bad breathe Cas. I have bad breathe. I need to brush.

I don't care, come here. He removed my hand and pecked my nose before kissing me on the lips. I returned the kiss. It wasn't fierce like the other day. It was filled with passion and promise of love. He brought his hand to my breast, playing with it without stopping the kiss. We kissed untill we needed air to breath. He started kissing my neck and shoulder. I couldn't help but moan his name. He moved my cloth up to get a view of my breasts and started sucking on them with his hand going down to my pussy. He touched me on my clothes finding his way inside of my shorts. He got up not stopping what he was doing but to have easy access on me. He came up again to kiss me, whispering sweet things to me.

Don't you worry about anything baby, think only about my touch and kisses. Let me erase the bad memory for you. I want you and nothing will ever change that.

Tears came to my eyes and I wondered how I got a man like this.

You can't shed tears with me baby. Just enjoy the feeling of you and I together. The feeling of only me kissing you, sucking your breasts. I will make love to you when you're ready but for now, allow me to fill you with my touch and presence. He kissed my lips again before going down to remove my shorts. Once I'm bare down there, he spread my legs for himself to have access. I closed my eyes anticipating his lips.

Look at me tesoro. He said.

I opened my eyes and look at him.

Don't close your eyes again. Look at me as I suck you clean. He position a pillow under my back to make my upper body come up a little.

He blow air on my pussy and a tingling feeling sets in. He did it again before he started feasting on my pussy. He sucks me like he can't have enough of me, locking eyes from time to time with me.

Ahh ahh fuck Cas... Ahhhh...

You're so sweet baby. I can't get enough of you. So delicious. Touch your breast for me baby. Play with your breast for me.

Without thinking, I place my hand on my breasts and started fumbling them. He slide in a finger into me while still licking me.

Ahh fuck.... I love the feeling and I want more. It like he knows what I want and added a second finger.

I moan loudly when I feel myself building up. He kept finger fucking me and licking me. The feeling is overwhelming.

Cum for me baby.

It's as if thats all I need to hear and came undone. He licked every thing clean.

Now that's how you say good morning. He said. He came up and pecked my forehead and stood up. I'm going to get ready for work.

I couldn't say anything because I'm still trying to get hold of my self. I can still feel him on me. My pussy still feels his hot lips. I got up after he left and took my own shower.

I came out with a towel wrapped around me. Looking for what to wear, I decided to go with White top and white leather trousers and a peach color jacket. I paired it with a peach shoe. Today I will be going to the Archers.

I have already sent some draft to Caspian and we just need to go over the venue before I proceed.

Finishing up, I went down to meet Cas taking his coffee. I made my tea and sat beside him.

I'm sorry I couldn't make breakfast, someone wouldn't allow me get up to do so.

I'm not complaining besides we can grab something on our way to the office and I'm driving you since we're going to the same place today. He said.

I finished my tea and told him I'm ready. He stood up too and we left for work. He opened the car door for me and I got in.

Getting to the office, Mia greeted us and gave Caspian his schedule for today. 

I went over to my desk and asked him if he's ready for the briefing.

He motioned me to come over to his desk which I did. He gestured his laps which i declined and sat opposite to him. I gave him the event chat explaining the details to him and then asking him to make a choice between an outdoor event and indoor.

He liked the both idea and said I should do what's best. He gave me the list of the hospital to contact and other people I need to contact.

I was about going back to my seat when he said, your breasts are tempting me baby.

Wow, Mr Asher, may I remind you that we are at the office and you need to behave well.

That's not what you were saying few hours ago babe. He said.

My face turned red and I hurriedly left his desk to mine. You should stop calling me baby at the office besides I'm not your girlfriend yet.

That's it. I'm taking you to a dinner date tonight. I can't take that shit from you again. Let me repeat it in case you have forgotten. You are mine and no one else. You better break up with that Ian guy. I can't share you with anyone.

I rolled my eyes at him and focused on my work.

Few hours later, Caspian said he's going for a meeting and left. I didn't get up or eat anything. Mia later asked if I needed anything else because she's about to leave. She handed me a box and said I should change in the ensuite attached to the office. This is my first time noticing it. I changed to the white dress Mia gave to me.

Wow it's 6 already. I haven't heard from Cas either so I decided to pack up too after Mia left.... I went down but remembered that I came in Caspian's car. I will have to take a cab to the dinner but I don't know where to go.

I was about calling a cab when Mario came out from the car and escorted me there.

Wow. This place is amazing. It's an Italian cuisine.

They escorted me in to where Cas is seated. I looked around but no one else is here but him and the employees around.

You look beautiful baby.

Thank you. He held out a seat for me to sit. He snapped his finger and two waiters came over.

Is it ready he asked.

Yes Sir.

Wine please. The best one.

They left and came back almost immediately with wine and food. This smells good, my stomach reminded me I haven't eaten today.

Enjoy. They said and left.

Wow. Are you holding a feast? I asked.

Well, I'm asking you out so yes, it's a feast.

Remember I will have to think about it first, so there's no guarantee that I will say yes immediately plus I need to get permission from Ian before I can date you.

Ivy. Don't dare me. Why do you need permission from him when you can dump his sorry ass. And what are you thinking about. Don't you feel the attraction between us. You already know how I feel about you so what's the big deal. He said.

I'm really having fun teasing him. I would want to see his reaction the day he finds out Ian is only a kid.

Let's eat first, I'm starving. I ignore his protest and dig in to the food. I don't really know the name but it's really nice.

Cas didn't take his eyes off me for once. I still ignored him until I was filled up.

He brought out a beautiful necklace and handed it over to me. He actually got up and came over to me.

Ivy Leah Steel, will you be my girlfriend? He asked. I promise to wipe your tears, stand by you and give you the best memories to replace the bad ones. I am not perfect but I will always try for your sake.

I couldn't say anything but I rather kissed him very deep.

I take that as a yes. He smiled.

You should smile more Caspian. You look beautiful when you smile.

He laughed. Ivy, of all words to use, it's beautiful that came out.

Well, you do look beautiful when you smile.

For you, I can do anything. Thank you baby. And I hope you are going to break up with that Ian now.

I smiled and said. Maybe we can actually go together and see him. Say this Saturday.

Nice idea. I will warn him seriously to stay away from you. He agreed.

Anyways, I would like to say a few things if this will work.

No PDA in the office and you stick to my name too when we're working. I don't want people to start saying I got favours for sleeping with you.

Well you do sleep with me technically. He smirked. But you won't deny me of eating your pussy even in the office as long as no one is around. Just you and me. I guess the ensuite will be useful. Although, I would like to eat you on our decks and every corner of our office.

I know this man is shameless but what's this. I said no office romance, didn't you hear that.

You said no PDA. Even though I want to show you off but anything for you.

We finished up and drove back home.

I'm officially Caspian's girlfriend.