Chapter -21- reunion with squad.


Caspian agreed for the girls to come over to the house. Although he wouldn't be around. He said he needs to take care of something at one of his casino. He wasn't joking when he said he would tighten security also I refuse the offer to have a bodyguard or a driver. The whole house was upgraded to a higher security techs which can be controlled from his office. Those times I will be looking for him in the house and can't find him, it turns out there's an office here. There's also a library and a game room which has an indoor swimming pool.

Being his girlfriend comes with a spark. We officially toured the house and I must say. Its a mansion for a reason.

It's a week to the Christmas charity ball. I can't believe I will spend the Christmas with someone I love. I haven't confessed to him yet and he haven't said those words too.

I have been talking with Ian too and told him of our date tomorrow. He's excited as I am. It turns out that Tony is a gay but likes me so much like a sister. He lost his cousin to childbirth and that's Ian. He doesn't know the father. They were never close but the hospital called him one day and told him his sister left a child for him. He was surprised as they have not talked in ages. When he saw the kid, he couldn't bring himself to give him up for adoption. He has been looking for the father even though he doesn't know where to start. I fell in love with Ian more than ever. I got his number and he calls me whenever he wants. Tony is always busy with his fabrics thing so Ian is staying with his mum that's Tony's mum.

Over the week, it has been beautiful. I now sleep in his room though my things are still in my own room and I don't want to move them yet.

Caspian likes kissing like a meal. He would randomly kiss me. He always wants me close to him. It's hard for him at the office but I make sure I always put boundary while in the office. I had to threaten him with no kisses if he violates the rules, of course he sulks about it.

There's something else Caspian loves. Sucking. This man eats me out like his favourite meal and yes he said that. I haven't had sex with him yet and he seems not to worry about it. I have even offered to suck his dick too but he refused. Some times I pity him because I can't relieve him. He told me he's fine and can wait for me to be ready even when I tell him he can continue, he always stop after sucking and fingering me. He makes me feel so good but he doesn't allow me to do anything for him. Yesterday night, he sucked me on the kitchen counter. I intentionally touched his dick and it's as hard as a rock. I wanted to suck him but he refused. I feel bad anytime he starts sucking me.

Excuse me ma'am, one of the guards outside interrupted my train of thoughts. Eddie.

There are some girls at the gate that wants to see you.

Oh you should have called instead.

I did call but you didn't pick.

Oh I'm sorry, I was lost in my thoughts. I move to the face Identifier beside the door and it's the girls.

Let them in please. They are my sisters.

He left immediately.

I smiled knowing I have got everything ready for them. This is the first time they are coming here too.

The sound of the car made me rush outside to meet them. I have really missed them.

Wow. This place is paradise, Scarlet said.

Vyyyyy... G screamed. We hugged each other and I took them in.

They were amazed by the beauty of the house.

Well guys get settled already. I have missed you guys so much. Ella how's your mum? How's everyone doing?

They sat down and I went to get them drinks and then food.

We talked about everything that has happened. Scar and her boyfriend broke up. She already expected that but it still took a flesh on her.

Ella is still doing her thing. And G is a different case. Let's say since Garry, Grace has not been the same.

Well I told them about I and Cas. They couldn't stop screaming. It was a hell of a day. Cas stocked ice cream for us in the freezer and I couldn't be more thanksful for that. Honestly, I have no strength to go anywhere.

Sooo.... It's Grace and whatever she wants to say is no good.

Have you done it yet with Caspian?

I saw this coming. No we've not.

What? They all shouted.

Yes why?

You mean, you have been living here with a hot sexy creature and you've not had sex with him. What is wrong with you Vy. Grace asked.

If it's me. I would have done it in every corners of this house. Ella chimed.

Yea, Ella always has a wide imagination when it comes to sex. There's one time she had sex on the staircase.

Well, we've been doing everything other things except actual sex. And I told him of my ex. I think he's waiting for me to heal.

So when, will you heal, your Royal highness. When? When he goes out to get what his girlfriend can't give to him. G asked.

Relax guys. What happened to her is not something you can forget in a hurry and I'm sure she's yet to heal completely. Besides she can heal with the assurance of her man. Scar said.

Babe, I know it's hard but how do you think the poor guy is taking it? Have you considered his feelings. I'm happy you gave love a chance but do it with your whole self. Get up and conquer that tool. He has no right to mess with your life. I'm sure he's enjoying his own life right now and you're here suffering. Babe, you are beautiful, you have a die stature, you've got a great job and a great man. Enjoy your life and let go of the past. Grace said.

At this point. Tears are rolling down my eyes. They are right. I have been letting him control me even when he's not here. I have been punishing another man for the sins of another man. I can't believe I'm this stupid.

They all came to me and group hug me.

Let this be the last time you will shed tears for that tool. You hear me? Grace asked.

Scar cleaned my eyes and I got up to get the ice cream from the freezer.

Ding: my phone chimed.

Cas: how are you doing baby? Hope you're having fun. Greet your friends for me. I won't be back early because of some issues here.

Me: I'm great. And they're asking of you.

Me: I hope it's not to serious. Do you need my help?

Cas: I would love to suck you.

Me: Remove your mind from the gutter Mr.

Cas: Go have fun babe. I will see you soon.

I close the chat and proceed to my initial plan. And yeah I changed his contact name to Cas.

Would you want to sleep over guys.

I thought you would never ask. Ella answered.

Good. Because I don't know when next to see you all.

I put down the ice cream and they all grab their spoons. We went from one movie to another. I made enough cookies. We played our usual truth or dare game. It was fun having the girls over.

Despite the many spare rooms here they all said it's my room they will be crashing in. I took them to my room so they can shower and change. Scar has no problem finding what fits her since we have almost the same body.

Grace and Ella settled for my baggy clothes with actually fits them well and not baggy at all.

After our marathon activity. We lay on the bed. The bed can only contain three people comfortably so I settled myself on the ground since they all insist we stay in the same room.

Cas is not yet back. I checked the time. It's past 10. The girls have fallen asleep with their ridiculous style of laying on the bed. I covered them and left the room.

I wanted to wait for Cas but I may fall asleep just waiting so I started washing the dishes and clearing the mess we made. After that I went to the sitting room and put on the TV choosing young Sheldon to watch. Maybe 30 minutes into the movie I slept off only waking up when I felt someone lifting me up. I Know it's Cas from his cologne so I snuggled closer. He carried me to his room and lay me on the bed.

Why are you so late baby? I asked. This should be the first time I called him that. Even though my eyes were closed, I knew he's looking at me right now. He's caressing my hair pecking my forehead from time to time.

What did you say? He asked.

I Knew he heard me but just want me to repeat myself.

Why are you so late baby?

You had to call me baby when your eyes are closed... If you start calling me that you can't change it again.

You didn't answer me Cas.

Here we go. The meeting went into the night and I had to stay to make sure things are ok.

I'm sorry I kept you waiting baby.

I think I'm ready. I said.

Ready for what?

Ready to make love with you. I mean I can't bear the fact that you make me fell good and I can't satisfy you. It should be a win win for us.

Shhhh. It's not a game for it to be a win win situation. Listen I care about you and I want to show you that there's another aspect of sex from what you have experienced. You're my treasure and I will always cherish you. I'm lucky to have you in my life and I want you to know you're the happiest thing that has happened to me baby.

Stop it. I shouted. Getting frustrated. I sat up. What don't you understand when I say I'm ready. I want you Caspian and I want you fully. You want me to heal? How? By stopping each time you need you to bury your dick inside of me. Fuck, you don't even allow me to suck you. For fucks sake I have given that idiot the power to ruin my life by living in the past for the past five years. I can't continue having fears of someone that is not even here.

By now. Tears has started rolling down my face. I took his face and kissed him. Cas, I love you and I want to be yours fully. Have me and I will have you. Be my healing therapy baby.

There..... I said it. "I love you"

I knew I have fallen for him hard and there's no going back now.

I have always admires his confidence-the way he carries himself with ease in any situation, effortlessly commanding attention without ever trying too hard. Caspian has a natural charm that draws people in, but it's his authenticity that I finds most captivating. Whether he's making me laugh with his quick wit or having a heartfelt conversation, he's always genuine, and that honesty is something I cherishes.

He's actually not what the bloggers portrays him as. He's a better man than what the internet shows.

They call him ruthless billionaire but all I see is a man with a soft heart.

I also can't help but notice how protective he is-not in an overbearing way, but in a way that makes me feel safe and cared for. And I loves his playfulness, the way he can make her laugh even when I'm having the worst day, turning mundane moments into unforgettable memories.

Most of all, I admires how he sees me. He encourages my dreams, challenges me to be better, and believes in me even when I doubts myself. Being around him inspires me to grow, and I can't help but admire the way he's not only becoming a part of my life but has also become my anchor and my biggest cheerleader.

And you want me not to fall in love with him.

I fucking love him so much. And I just confessed it to him.

I shouldn't be scared again, I need to face my fears and Cas' is here to encourage me.

I love you so damn much baby. I repeated. Staring at him in his eyes.