Last warning (2)

Xavier waited for Selene to drift off to sleep. After a long eventful day, Selene was bound to fall asleep the second she lay down on the bed. 

It was near midnight and while it would be good to stay in bed with Selene, Xavier had somewhere to be. He had put off a conversation which needed to be had long ago but it was put off since he stayed out of the palace.

Xavier slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Selene. She would know where he went in the morning, but for now, she needed to get some rest.

Xavier grabbed a shirt on his way out, going toward the balcony instead of using the door for the servants to see him leave. He closed the door behind him so the cold night air would not wake Selene, and then he set off for the palace.

He already sent Darius a warning with a piece of the body from the little stalker but Xavier also wanted to make a personal visit to get the message across. This way Darius couldn't say he didn't understand it.