Seeing his most hated rival right in front of him made the Orcanine Orc's attitude do a complete 180 turn. His face turned into one a snarl, treating the Orcupine Orc as if he was the bane of his life.
And it seemed as if the reaction was reciprocated. The Orcupine Orc frowned into one of anger as soon as he saw the furry body of the Orcanine Orc.
The feud that had been fueling their very tribes for years and years on end finally showed its ugly head. Even though they promised that they were going to be in a truce with each other, their hatred could not be hid away just so easily.
In truth, the two tribes were just waiting for the chance to battle it out once again and finally prove who was the better worshiper for the Earth Goddess.
"Cowardly bastard!" the Orcanine screamed.
"Useless meathead!" the Orcupine replied back.