
"Eliza the journey we are going on is a perilous one, are you sure you are able to stick it through all the way? I took you with me without thinking of the possible harm I could afflict upon you with this journey, the unhealable injuries you could get and the pain you could feel from the truths you will have to bear. Maybe you will have to do something you are uncomfortable with or maybe you will have to do something which you do not want to do. Maybe in the end the journey will lead you to a place you wish you had never gone to, are you certain that this is worth it?"

She looked me up and down evidently still very out of it, I could understand due that it was because she had just woken up but I had to get an answer right now, I had to know if she would really stick go to the end of the world on this journey, I had to know, atleast I wanted to make sure I would not blame myself if she ever perished on this path, I wanted to make an excuse.

At first she nodded as in yes and then she opened her mouth to truly answer me: "Many time on this day long journey have I thought that I should quit, stop following you, or even had the quick thought of killing you, even though I knew all too well I would not be able to do so, you stole my money. Originally I just wanted my money back but after seein your strength through this day and how you are so persistent and never give up I decided I wanted to continue down this road with you."

"Will you listen to all of my commands even if they seem odd?" I asked fully expecting her to say no, but to my suprise she spoke: "I will listen, but I will not cross the line, we are just travel companions, we are not married."

"Ofcourse I would never cross the line I already have a wife, though I lost her, I still love her and I am sure she still loves me." I said slightly smiling with a underlying craze in my eyes almost as if trying to convince myself of something that I knew was not true. "But I have my first request of you right here. Could I suck your blood?" I brought it to her as if I just mentioned I wanted to have some toast, as if I had asked this of other people before.

She looked at me blankly as if she had seen a ghost and then asked me why: "Why would you have to drink my blood can you not just eat a piece of the bread we have left from when we went to go buy food just before we left?!" As soon as she started talking about the bread I almost had to puke remembering the vile taste of the food in this place.

I stood still and thought of a way to tell her how I had implanted a gem onto my left leg which basically turned me into a vampire. But in the end I could not think of a excuse so I just decided to tell Eliza. "Not so long ago I landed on this plane of existance I came from another world, my wife came here first apported here, she came here through a magical circle, as soon as she got teleported I made a detailed schematic of the teleportation circle and draw it onto a notepad. As soon as this happend I learnt about the existance of thaumaturgy, though this I thought maybe I could create a portal which could teleport me to this world. You see I needed my wife back, I was nothing without her and I still am nothing without her. So soon I finished the GATE gem which would teleport me to this world and I went in, I dont know how long it took me to truely arrive here and then wake up but it might have taken a long time. So as soon as I woke up I gathered the supplies I had taken from my world, 25 engraved gems, 25 unengraved gems, and ofcourse the GATE gem which I had used to teleport to this place, soon I arrived at the town we were at until only recently and then Imet you and the rest you must know. But in the timeframe between the arrival in the town and meeting you, such as the engraving of the VAMPIRISM gem which makes it so I have to eat blood to survive and I can not eat norma food like humans."

"But why did you resort to something so drastic?"

"I did not like the taste of the food."

"That's it?"


"Okay fine you can suck my blood."

"Thank you." I said my voice almost so raspy she could no longer understand.

I asked her to sit down somewhere were she was comfortable, She just sat down on the grass and told me that that was fine, I reached my head over to her neck and my teeth sunk into her skin, At first the flesh was resisting my bite but slowely my teeth started sinking into her skin, and slowely piercing one of her carotid arteries, I knew from research that this place would be rich of oxyginated blood which I could quite easily reach, another place would be the thigh but that would be weird and inapropriate. Slowly the blood started running long though my teeth into my mouth and along my toung down my into my throat down my esophagus. The taste was like ecstacy, it was the tastiest thing I had ever had, unlike the person I had previously taken a sip of Eliza was different, I dont know whether it was her blood type or something else but it was the tastiest thing I had ever had. I wanted more and thus continued and lost myself in the taste, she tried to push me off but the taste was so good I could not stop, soon I came to the realisation of what I was doing, killing her, and I backed off.